A ringleader in a people smuggling gang responsible for moving 10,000 migrants in small boat crossings to the UK has been jailed for 11 years.

    Hewa Rahimpur, 30, was sentenced by a Belgian court on Wednesday for being involved in “systematic human smuggling” by supplying boats to the crime group.

    He sourced the crafts in Turkey and had them delivered to Germany, Belgium and the Netherlands, before they were moved to the north French coast.

    Conservative MP Henry Smith tells TalkTV’s David Bull that the people arriving by small boats in the UK present a security threat as their ‘background and real identity’ remain unknown to authorities.

    #talktv #talkradio #migration #uk #englishchannel


    1. The government will only do something properly about these illegal invaders invading our country when one of them is affected personally, ie an MP gets attacked or a member of their family. They are certainly not bothered about any of us plebs losing our lives to illegal invaders or terrorist's that have infiltrated our country on a rubber boat

    2. Losing our human rights to send a few hundred people to Rwanda at a cost of £150,000. Ridiculous. We were told if we leave the EU we could control our borders now it’s something else they’re just lying to us to take away our human rights.

    3. I have said it elsewhere and I will say it again. Turn all the old military camps in to POW type camps, take all the illegal migrants out of hotels etc and lock them up in them with armed guards.

    4. Not one illegal criminal crossing the canal should reach our population 🇬🇧 not one all should be taken to secured locations well away from the population, women and children have a humanity right to me make claim for asylum, but all men must be returned 🇬🇧👍

    5. There is something truly comical about people smugglers and illegal migrants being able to checkmate the conservative UK government. For 13 years. It's actually quite an achievement.

    6. One for only 11 years, and he is hardly a "Kingpin" he is the UK end of a larger chain, he is a minnow in an ocean a sacrificial lamb at best.
      I can assure you this will not stop us baying for blood.

    7. The people of this country won't be fooleed into believing the govt promising to leave the ECHR, the govt must do it before the election, only then will they have a chance at the polls. The RNLI should be charged with people trafficking as well, they should be made to take illegals back to France no ifs or buts.


    9. He will be out in 5 years and back to Ilford where no doubt the home office will keep his accommodation ready for him and the Border Force who are as good as a chocolate fireguard will believe hes a 16 year old gay and needs protection.

    10. anyone notice the rnli adverts on the tv for donations? interestingly a very non ethnically diverse cast (compared to every other advert) and no mention of the migrant taxi service they are running. im guessing their main donors are a certain demographic and virtue signalling they know will hurt their income.

    11. He should have received a much greater sentence and this victory is pyrrhic I know of tax evaders who got longer sentences.. He will of course be out in less that 4 @ At that point he will no doubt resume where he left off What a farce

    12. This army of Asylum parasites, invading us like a plague of rats. Sponsored by Sunak the Trojan horse, despite his empty protests, we have become a sewer pipe for all the world's filth.
      And like all vermin, If you aid, feed or shelter, more & more will come.

    13. we dont want anyone get it, we cant, better not, rnli wouldnt give them the time of day and border control, they are the real criminals bringing in terrorists, theres only DJE media gives us the real info on whats going on in englands hotels

    14. it makes you wonder how the code breakers during ww2 could crack these codes which is like opening a lock with 6 combinations changing every time a code is sent, but the police dont know where life jackets and dingies are coming from or what part of the beach its all been planned,

    15. People smugglers getting jailed? I suggest you start with the government as they couldn’t stop this from day one by using the Royal Navy and Marines. None of the human rights bullshit turn them back

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