Watch our video “At Nine o’clock I Was A German POW In America, At Ten I Was Free And Fugitive” and Uncover the astounding tale of a former German soldier who eluded the FBI for four decades after escaping from a POW camp in America. This gripping video delves into the life of a WWII Sergeant from Rommel’s Afrika Korps, captured in the Battle of Tunis, and his daring escape from Camp Deming, New Mexico, in 1945. Join us as we explore this remarkable journey of survival, evasion, and the enduring legacy of a man who became the last remaining German POW at large in the United States. Don’t miss this incredible true story that history nearly forgot!
    This is link of the playlist


    1. Ladies and Gentlemen, this is Part 2 of Memoirs of a German POW who was a sergeant in Rommel's Famous Afrika Korps and was captured from (battle of Tunis )North African Theater of World War 2 and sent to pow camp in America, he escaped from Camp Deming, New Mexico, in

      1945 and had been on the run for forty years, This is link of the playlist
      This is the link of Part 1

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    2. nazism sovietism and the nessasary evil.
      the American revolution wich actualy cracked the british and french empires.
      nazis and soviets finished them off.
      while American population believed they fight comunism Russians were dismantling european empires.
      u got to read the American military and its strong ties whit both russians and germans thats as old as the usa itself

    3. "Dehydration happens quickly, causing extreme thirst, fatigue, and ultimately, organ failure and death. A person may go from feeling thirsty and slightly sluggish on the first day with no water to having organ failure by the third."

    4. Now herein this story is a real “Unsolved Mystery”… How did a popular and well known Hollywood actor, the one with the distinct + one of a kind voice that still terrifies the life out of all us younger “Gen-X’ers”, yes, the one and only Robert Stack, become a friggin tennis student of an escaped NSDAP POW wanted by the FBI and at large in the United States???

    5. Interesting and informative. Although an excellent photography picture 📷 of the gunnery crew. What does that picture have to do with the fugitive ( P.O.W. ) on the run 🏃??? Must have been a moment of disillusioned desperation. To leave the comfort of an American military ( P.O.W. ) camp. Well housed/clothed/fed. From before the WW-2 era commenced. The WW-1 dispatch runner 🏃 corporal Hitler 😈 would never hear of it. If he disagreed with what he was hearing. In essence refusing to consider good sound military operations judgement from his seasoned/experienced generals. That led to many a catastrophic military operations disaster. ( North Africa -Dunkirk -Stalingrad. ) the disillusioned/arrogant leadership in Berlin. Cared less about the predicaments/casualties/hard ships. Pertaining to the veteran military operations personnel.

    6. How does the computer say a word correctly in one breath, but mispronounces it only a couple of lines later?

      Surely this isn't the best they can come up with in 2023?

    7. Listening to this man's story! I realize that my Grandpa (A Scotsman serving in the 8th Army) Is chasing after this man! For the record! Grandpa HATED Monty! Oh well

    8. 0:55 – If you don't care where you are, you can't be lost.
      14:40 – Was raised in a Germanic family in the US Mid West; approval was self-awarded (never casually) or from friends. Not from Mom or Dad.
      19:00 – By that time, Hitler had appointed a socialist 'Director of Ag' or some such, to ensure support from the agricultural sector, and that was a major part of the German economy at the time. Not for the first time, please see "Wages of Destruction", Adam Tooze.
      24:29 – "Front-line soldier in the spade brigade" Funny.
      30:57 – Almost like some dark comedy script…
      42:30 – Never again a successful Nazi strategic offensive; from now until the end of the war, the Wehrmacht was on the defense.
      45:31 – This is certainly believable, but am I to believe that no rumors of the death camps didn't also circulate?
      47:58 – Not to worry, Monty wasn't running after you. He was strolling.

    9. 0:00: 🚂 Georg Gaertner, a former soldier, plans to escape and travel to a pro-German country in South America before returning to Germany.
      4:04: 😳 A person reflects on their feelings after escaping from a safe environment and the potential dangers they now face as an escaped Nazi.
      8:56: ! The narrator describes their comfortable middle-class German family in the 1940s, with a trainmaster father and a loving household.
      13:56: 🎾 The narrator trades his violin for a tennis racket and finds enjoyment in playing tennis and winning tournaments.
      18:26: 🌍 The growing inevitability of war and the spread of Nazism in a small town in Germany in the late 1930s.
      23:22: 📰 The narrator, a young man in Nazi Germany, decides to volunteer for four months of labor service in order to improve his chances in the military.
      28:04: 😷 The narrator experiences difficult conditions and health issues during basic training in the military.
      32:25: 🎓 The Officers' Preparatory program was a demanding but enjoyable six-week training period that included lectures on war, strategy, and military intelligence, as well as instructions on how to elude the enemy.
      36:45: 🌍 The speaker traveled through Italy and Greece during World War II as part of the German army.
      46:15: 🔥 The narrator's doubts are confirmed as they are ordered out of the plane and the airfield is bombarded by Montgomery's Eighth Army.
      Recapped using Tammy AI

    10. The photo used to attract attention to this video is that of a Schutzstaffel Standartenführer—Bird Colonel equivalent in the Nazi SS. But the protagonist stated he was only an Unteroffizier Afrika Korps—not yet a Feldwebel (Sergeant).

      I’ve noticed that some sensational introductory photos are unsupported by the videos to which they are attached. Is there a name for occurrences wherein video content and attached photo have virtually no elements in common?

      Is this memoir historical or fictional?

    11. 1. My guess is that, like many German veterans, he turned against Hitler when the Germans started losing. 2. I assume he was eventually recaptured, but what was the point of escaping? Where was he going to go? Between two huge oceans to the east and west, American ally Canada to the north, and Mexico, another American ally, to the south, He had virtually no hope of getting back to Germany.

    12. A fascinating tale. But I always wonder, and want to hear, where he got his first meal, first shelter, first change of clothes, first dollar. This seems always to be left out of escape stories.

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