Connal Tours European Cycling Adventure. The ABC Tour – Adriatic to the Baltic Cycling Tour.
    Cycle Day 14: Stuttgart to Mosbach (Germany). 84km (584vm). Sunny & warm. Komoot has been quite amazing – setting routes from hotel to hotel. In and out of cities like Stuttgart (6th largest city in Germany) with relative ease. We started in parklands with distractions of a swan family, negotiated a few tram/lIght rail lines & busy traffic and within 10km we were out of Stuttgart and back into rural areas – we’re much more suited to this. The constant chorus line from the birds is so much sweeter to hear than the roar and rush of traffic. First stop after about 25km and getting over some lumps, was at Kramer’s Biergarten for espresso, chips, & lemon iced tea. As yesterday the sides of the valley were covered in terraced vineyards. Many other crops too. Obviously an incredibly fertile valley. We found some path side cherry trees. Most reachable already raided but lots more coming on. A lot of river side cycling today. Barges started appearing – carrying quarried stone, road base materials. Shady green cycle paths, parklands with enormous trees, and good vision of the mighty Neckar River in many places. Pretty weary by the time we arrived in Mosbach. But what a delight to discover the old town and a wonderful meal at Artemis Greek restaurant at the top end of town with lots of street action to observe.
    Day 14 of 7 weeks cycling the 2400km from south coast to north coast in Europe and a little bit extra. for all your cycling touring clothing. 1st June 2023.

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