Connal Tours European Cycling Adventure. The ABC Tour – Adriatic to the Baltic Cycling Tour.
    Cycle Day 17: Frankfurt to Steinau an der Straße (Germany). 72.7km (305 vm). Sunny & warm. Bike mechanic on the job first up changing out our rear brake pads that had received a hammering through the Alps. Within 6km we had left the busyness of Frankfurt and within 8km we were green running with rivers & forests again. Generally, what was going to be an easier day but as usual the last 20km always gets tough no matter the overall distance or the difficulty of the ride. A bit of a wind popped up in the afternoon too. Mainly cycle ways again today – generally following waterways, railways or motorways but well shielded from them with greenery. We are on the trail of The Grimm Brothers. Firstly, in Hanau – in the middle of a festival. Now where we are staying – Grimm Brothers house & museum & lots of references to the fairytales. Steinau Castle wonderfully intact defensive fortress from the 16thC – just around the corner from where we are staying. The old town is full of beautifully preserved half-timber houses including our hotel. Our floor is sloping, and the walls are almost curved they are so crooked. Once again, a room with a view – another church. We have so far travelled through 3 of the southern German states. At some point tomorrow we will be crossing into what was the old East Germany prior to unification & spending the rest of our German cycle in these eastern states as we head north towards the Baltic. Berlin of course being from both parts of Germany. It will be interesting to see if we notice differences.
    Day 17 of 7 weeks cycling the 2400km from south coast to north coast in Europe and a little bit extra. for all your cycling touring clothing. 6th June 2023.

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