How to make the city as comfortable and safe as possible for cyclists? What steps should be taken to build an ideal cycling city? We analyze in detail in this video.

    #urbanism #cycling #cityforall #citycycling #cyclingaroundtheworld #citycycling #city #amsterdam #cyclinginfrastructure #sustainablecities #bikelanes #bikelane

    00:00 – Intro
    00:18 – Research and strategy
    01:18 – Types of cycling infrastructure
    07:40 – Maintenance
    08:18 – Public relations
    08:58 – Bike storage
    09:48 – Bike theft
    10:25 – Integration with a public transport
    11:00 – Bike sharing
    11:27 – Encouraging citizens
    12:02 – Outro

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    1. I like this filled with good (and not so good) examples from all over the world.
      But for me the magic bullet is "30 kilometers": limiting all the narrow, residential and low-traffic streets to "bike speed" already makes the vast majority (usually around 70%) of the city bike friendly. These streets usually also completely disappear from any list of bad crashes.
      On the other end you have about 10%, where you really must build a protected bike lane, because those are the main car network with a lot of car traffic – luckily these type of streets tends to have more than enough space.
      The third group is the most problematic: About 20% of the streets are to narrow for a bike lane but have to much traffic to turn them into a "30 zone". This is, where you need to get creative: advisory lanes? allowing cyclists on an almost unused sidewalk? redirect car traffic? pairing them up as one-way-streets?

    2. Big public transport advocate but I wouldn't bike if it weren't for capital bikeshare. Not having to haul my bike around and lock it up and keep the tires inflated etc. is what keeps me riding happily

    3. Meanwhile my city: best we can do is "share the road" signs.
      Yeah… car-loving politicians…
      Excellent video btw. I hope your channel grows more

    4. Yesterday I was on my bike and I saw how another cyclist got hit by a car and got badly injured. The street was calm and neither the car or him were going fast or irresponsibly. The car just didn't see the bike and they crashed at an intersection, just seconds after I had crossed it myself. We need better traffic calming, better visibility and more human friendly infrastructure in our cities. I have never been more sure about this.

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