In this episode, Farnham’s leading over-50’s physiotherapist, Will Harlow, reveals 5 signs that you may benefit from a walking stick or cane!

    To get a copy of Will’s new book, Thriving Beyond Fifty, you can find it on Amazon below:
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    If you’re suffering from nagging knee pain that hurts in the morning and stops you from walking as far as you’d like, you can take our free knee pain guide – which will give you 5 expert tips to put a stop to knee pain at home – by visiting here:

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    If you’re over-50 with a painful problem in the Farnham, Surrey area, you can learn more about how Will Harlow and HT Physio can help you overcome a painful problem here:

    **Any information in this video should not be used as a substitute for individual medical advice. Please seek advice from your local healthcare professional before taking action on the information in this video.**


    1. Thank you so much.. Instructions on such an important issue always welcome from people who actually care. Might use one today. Bursitis in left knee.

    2. Guilty as charged, on all 5 accounts. I’ve also found that a cane with 4 feet (it will stand by itself) is more stable. If I have a bad day, I bring out the Walker – only indoors. Thank you for the share! Time to measure my cane height! ♥️

    3. Yes, recognise all those situations. Glad you cleared up a few points, was wondering if I should search out a cane, before I completely lose my confidence, many thanks. X:)

    4. Checking back report extraordinary improvement after squat chair exercise 4 times a day up to 15 squats each round. After 3 months by way of example I was at a VA Hospital appointment and decided to climb 4 levels! OMG an out of body experience no gasps for air and steady pace … Thanks plus also your additional exercises are also beneficial too. I am 77 🎉

    5. Wonderful information! I have been wondering from where and why the twitching of my knee came. Now I know. Thanks so much! I use a walker in and out of my house for the fear of falling and having a hairline fracture but it was very painful. I don’t know what type of solution I can ask you for. I am sure you can advise me. Thanks again! I am 71.

    6. If that's the case, then I must have had arthritis, in my hip, in my early 20s. Had you considered that a nerve might get pinched, occasionally, resulting in the hip almost giving way, rather than it being a sign of arthritis or weak muscles? What's the remedy for this?

    7. What do you think about walking with ankle weights when you are walking specifically for exercise? I took a tumble once because the heel of my shoe hit a slight rise in the sidewalk. I'm thinking that with the ankle weight, I would raise my foot more, when I'm not using the ankle weight, which would be most of the time, and be less likely to catch a crack in the sidewalk with my heel.
      I also notice that sometimes I just don't lift my foot enough and prematurely contact the pavement with my shoe, which is unexpected and tends to try to make me tumble forward.
      Have I explained my concerns enough?

    8. I blogged about your channel and several of my older readers now follow and are trying the exercises, particularly the ones related to better walking. I got a lot of benefit from the neck exercise using the rolled towel.

    9. I started to use mine when I felt unsteady stepping down from the kerb to cross the road, as my ankles tend to give way. I also bought a small 3 wheeled shopping trolley, as carrying a bag of shopping made me off balanced. Not a good look, but it stops me falling and causing more damage to myself.

    10. Thanks a lot. Your ideas for older people are quite good. By the way I am 72 years and I havent started using walking sticks yet. Please let me know how to delay my walking stick usage. What can I do to avoid using walking sticks yet?.. thanks again and God bless u. ❤

    11. I fractured my right humerous bone on March 11. According to the x-ray and Ct scan it has joined completely and I am told I can do things normally with a bit of arm exercises but no lifting heavy objects for yet awhile. I am 80 yrs old, energetic for my age but also have arthritis in my left knee. I feel I need a stick but which hand should I use? Please advise . With thanks and blessings.

    12. I use an adjustable-length shower curtain rod. Sounds ridiculous, but it was a life saver when I really messed up my back. The longer length allowed me to pull myself up from sitting rather than pushing on a shorter cane. I kept it at a height just below my chin. Using it as a trekking stick kept me more upright and comfortable than leaning on a cane. I would get painful spasms in my back and legs, and clasping the top of the rod and resting my chin on it kept me from crashing to the floor. I'm better now, but I still take my shower curtain rod with me everywhere, just in case.

    13. I’m waiting for a new hip, but I prefer a crutch. I can skip along more quickly and when I need my hands, eg, to pay for something, it dangles on my arm. Got really used to it waiting 3 years for the NHS to mend my broken leg!

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