lotta walls in the news recently huh

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    Captions by Pineapples Foster Media Services
    Twitter: @annasfoster
    E-mail: pineapples.foster@gmail.com

    Chapters courtesy of user Mickulty
    00:00 Authentic Banter Update
    00:02:59 Intro
    00:06:39 The GD News: Conditions in Twitter Bad, Conditions in Gaza Much Worse
    00:26:58 Division of Germany and Berlin after WW2
    00:42:28 DDR Established
    00:49:53 Effect of Communism on The Line
    00:58:28 Wall
    01:01:06 Immediate Response
    01:04:03 Wall Development
    01:28:35 Debunking Capitalist Propaganda
    01:38:38 Border in The Age of Wall
    01:47:09 Transport in the DDR
    01:58:35 The Berlin’t Wall
    02:00:09 Robert Moses but Wall
    02:04:54 Digression: Housing in the DDR
    02:08:24 The Descent of Communism
    02:18:55 The Descent of Wall
    02:25:25 Remnants and Legacy
    02:44:20 Safety Third: Nuclear Aircraft Carrier vs Mud

    in the commercial: Local Forecast – Elevator Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com) Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/


    1. …… You guys realize paragliders fold up into like a backpack right? It's just a nylon parachute modified for gliding lol, the whole point is being able to pack it up. So yeah I one would know they have a paraglider

    2. Eric Gill thankfully did not actually develop Trajan – Carol Twombly made it at Adobe in the 80s, so no dogs were harmed (obliquely) in the creation of Alice's tattoo.

    3. We are getting really relitavistic with the term "engineering disasters" huh 😀

      On scars of WW2 in Berlin; Beyond big things like demographics and monuments, something that struck me when i visited last year was the little scars here and there. We passed an old graveyard where one facing of a maosoleum was pockmarked with what must have been heavy machinegun or autocannon impacts. You could just imagine some group of men hunkering in that graveyard 80 years ago, and look for likely vantage points in the direction the fire must have been coming in from.

    4. You podcast just told me, why bavaria always feels like eastern germany and way larger than other parts. I keep traveling on a north<-> south axis but never bothered looking at a map. Till you forced me.

    5. The difference between the walls is that one was built in order to prevent the subjugated people from escaping a totalitarian regime and the other one is there to not let terrorists in 👌

      You can’t just say “all walls bad”. Might as well destroy prison walls so that criminals don’t feel oppressed 😂

      What a stupid comparison….

    6. Guys, i dont like Biden but he actually opposed the ground invasion and all US admin advised against it.

      There is plenty that happened to hate him for like the aid. But even the state department is pushing back of the misinformation being spread about this.

      Just wanting people to be careful

    7. As a fellow German I so much have to say about what is wrong which is being said around 55:00. There was a rigorous de-nazification among East-German beaurocrats and police at the beginning of the 1950's, called "Waldheimer Prozesse". And the political right-wing that is pretty big in East-Germany is for sure not caused by inheritance of a Nazi mindset. More or less it is caused by the same chaos after the system change that had lead to the rise of people like Putin in Russia or Orban in Hungary: People do not like to be treated as inferior, being unemployed, or being told that what they have done for 40 years was pointless and doesn't count for their retirement. There have been two lost generations (Boomers and GenX) there, and guess which demographics are now right-wing!

      That being said, another point for sure is that every left-wing ideology has being burned by so-called real existing socialism. And that wall! People do not see a Venn diagram in which freedom and leftist idea coexist. So if they radicalize there seems to be no alternative. And the German left is either corrupt (SPD) or divided and weak. 😒

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