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    For as long as I can remember, Amsterdam Centraal has been under construction. Some amazing projects have completed over the past 10 years, but the best was just completed recently: the largest bicycle parking garage in Amsterdam!


    NJB Live (my bicycle livestream channel):

    Additional Information

    Bicycle Dutch – Amsterdam’s underwater bicycle parking garage

    Timelapse 2019-2022 onderwater fietsenstalling Amsterdam Centraal Station

    Zo werd bij Centraal Station de grootste fietsenstalling van Amsterdam gebouwd

    Nieuwe fietsenstalling bij station Amsterdam: ‘Een oase, maar je moet geen haast hebben’

    Feest rond CS: alles nieuw met 2 giga fietsenstallingen onder water

    Fietser (48) overleden na val in fietsenstalling De Hallen

    This video contains content licensed from Getty Images.


    1. Looking a lot bicycle parked is already astonishing for me who lived in petrol vehicle country, build leveled bike parking add fuel can to it, but bike travelator? underwater parking? Damn, that add fuel barrel.

    2. i've been watching your videos for the last 3 days now and it opened my eyes to "what i really want" in this world 😅I grew up in South East Asia and all my life i've been dreaming of living in an American suburbia, and living in that city life in New York or London because it looked nice and all. But watching your videos made me realize that I should be grateful for having lived in a somewhat rural area (here in SEA) and cities like Amsterdam and Delft are where my dreams actually at.

    3. I love how to bring new perspective into living. I really dont enjoy having to have a car and never thought anything else was possible.

    4. This bicycle garage is so well designed in Netherlands and I find everything of Netherland so fascinating through watching your video. I also think it’s really important that the art and aesthetic effort can be poured into these places so when people walk by can have a good mood and appreciate the work. ❤

    5. What an amazing video once again! I'm also so impressed with this project and really happy to live here! But now we have another problem. The inside of Amsterdam Centraal is now under construction 🫣

      And also they are going to do heavy construction work on the train tracks and platforms. And it's gonna take years. They are going to widen the platforms and change all of the tracks and all.
      So just when you thought construction was over… well… Another one is starting.

    6. it's so funny to me how you're "complaining" about having to walk your bike up the stairs at 13:38 , and I'm just impressed by those grooves in the stairs that allow you to slot your bike in and roll it up/down

    7. construction is always annoying to deal with but it seems like a finished project like this would make it so much more bearable. Where I live in the US, construction means a stretch of freeway is messed up, with insane traffic, for anywhere from a few weeks up to a couple years. It's fresh and new for a few months then it's just as bad as before. Whether the problem was congestion or potholes, it always goes right back to not working. I would gladly put up with months of construction to have a beautiful infrastructure piece like these bike garages!

    8. I cannot believe that there are places with huge parking garages for bicycles (or bicycle stables which is way more fun to say haha). I have never seen so many bicycles in one place. A place where waiting six minutes for a train is absurd instead of nonexistent. I can’t believe I live in a country where I have to drive all the time. I hate driving. I haven’t ridden my bike in so long, that poor bike. I hope things change here. I hope that soon I can ride my bike everywhere. There’s supposed to be a high speed rail being built in my area in the coming years. I often imagine that there would be a train in the nearest town (I live in the country) and even if I could drive to town, park my car there, and get on a train to the town where I work, I would be so happy. I hope things change

    9. My best friend left Portland Oregon for Amsterdam and she is so happy! She went thru a shock at first but she feels safe and found a very nice guy! She never felt safe taking public transportation in Oregon and looks forward everyday to riding with peace of mind. I’m going to visit her this summer and I’m so excited!😊

    10. An interesting video would be about road safety in the UK. The UK has one of the lowest rates of road deaths in the world, even lower than the Netherlands, yet is relatively car dependant (outside of London). Its low road death rate is unusual for a country with so many car owners and I've never seen anyone discuss why this is the case.

    11. Hahaha I had this playing in the background while I'm working. Everything is chill, then all of sudden "then you have to bring your bike up the stairs like a goddamn animal". Good stuff.

    12. est-ce que y'a quelqu'un d'assez vaillant en ville qui peut traduire le video et l'envoyer à tout les maires des grosses villes au québec svp?

    13. I'm pleased the bus station has been relocated, the area outside the front of the station was a bit of a mess. Too much going on with buses, trams, cyclist and pedestrians, combined with the building work it really wasn't great.

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