Connal Tours European Cycling Adventure. The ABC Tour – Adriatic to the Baltic Cycling Tour.
    Cycle day 12: Laupheim to Tübingen (Germany) 84.6km (818vm). Another sunny & warm day. The route again showed a couple of steep looking lumps. Departing Laupheim – we needed to visit the sculptures we discovered last night. Then hit the road. Public holiday today so it was pretty quiet. Broad scale agriculture again. Wheat, barley & even some canola still in flower. More large dairy sheds. Nearly midday and getting desperate for a coffee (& cake) we chanced on a village where the local pub appeared to be just opening up. They were hosting a birthday party for local 86 year old Opa. 12 noon and the family all started to appear. Strawberry buttermilk torte and good coffee were very welcome. The forests looked so enchanting. Obviously favours hawks or kites, who were constantly circling overhead looking for prey in the crops. Some good timing and a stop at the Münsingen railway station – treated to see the running of a holiday special train. Finally reached the last pointy bit for the day. Some seriously steep downhills (16%+). Glad we were going in the right direction. Again, such a network of cycle paths – we could see people in the distance crisscrossing on different paths. Looking forward to a rest day tomorrow to explore this city with our German friends.
    Day 12 of 7 weeks cycling the 2400km from south coast to north coast in Europe and a little bit extra. for all your cycling touring clothing. 29th May 2023.

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