The onboard footage from round 3 of the British National Cyclocross series, and this was a brute of a race, from start to finish. Stepping up to the UCI level is very scary for me, but a great experience getting to race against the best riders in the country on some amazing/tough courses. After a bad start and poor gridding, due to not doing any of the other rounds, I found myself caught up in the carnage and then went a little bit too deep to catch back up. This race wasn’t a good day for me, but I will be back for more.

    I hope you enjoyed the video and please do like and subscribe!


    1. I did my first UCI level CX race a couple weeks ago here in Ireland. Just as well they didn't enforce the 80% rule or I'd have been off after 25-30mins of racing 😂
      Fair play for hanging in as long as you did, it looks like a tough course!

    2. my two cents for the start. before the start, visualize the first corners in your mind (you know, like the skiers at the top of the mountain, it will help your brain to anticipate). focus on what you can control, your line. think about your breathing, try to control it. probably not really possible to control it, but while you think of that, you don't think of some other things that might distract/fear you! (such as "what if the other guy crashed in front of me…")

    3. Well done, you're hard with yourself in the commentary. Glad you didn't go the full hour, I'm exhausted just watching ! Looks like your off-camber skills were well used this time 😛 (37 is Raphael Tabiner according to the start list & the results 😁)

    4. you're way more experienced than me, but I would say for the starts get yourself on the edge, left or right, even if you have to form a new row. you're getting boxed in which is stressing you out. easier to move up down the edge if you're gridded way down

      don't give up on these national races man, you're hero to so many choppers like me.

    5. I spent the first few races this season well down the grid but chopped my way through the pack by following a rider a couple of rows ahead , seems to work. If you concentrate on the rider directly in front they sometimes muff the start and you stall. 5 rows back and your start is less out of the blocks than rows 1 and 2 so more time to pick a faster course through the chaos.
      Second row last week and still got held up by a wheelspinner sprinter monster 😂
      Good vid, you lost 1 place worrying about mud on the lens🤣

    6. awesome George, the mud is back and yep, battle for 46 was where it was at 🙂 nice one getting the video out, keep going strong!

    7. Great race…. Mud sucks the soul…. But, also, is glorious…. GC, it’s a blast to watch your races…. Keep it up man… it’s all about the battle.. Only one guy wins the race… The rest of us are just out there trying to tear someone else’s legs off while tearing off our own..

    8. Your problem is you're too good at Wessex. 😅😅 Go do a few more races as a guest so you start at the back. I started row 8 of V50s(gridded 65th) I'm not your level(top 10 local league) but getting better at going forward in the carnage due to practice(made top 30).

      Grip issues – Tyres and pressures in the mud? I'm 73kgs and ran 20psi on Dugast Rhino Tubs.

    9. I was a bit shocked when fellow crosser said I have an aggressive start! Not sure where it comes from. Prob South London raising and Sunday league footy in the past. Embrace your inner Coppola gangster

    10. Mud races are such a crap shoot. Great job battling No. 47. That's the thing about CX, there's always a battle to be fought regardless where you are in position.

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