Another Migrant hotel in Reading. Security don’t have SIA on display so I quiz them about it. We check with migrants about conditions inside.

    Things quickly heat up with one resident becoming aggressive. I felt it was about to go badly for me so I made a swift exit ! Another resident chases me down on a bike and questions me.

    Then a local speaks to me about tax money being wasted on this.

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    1. There's a beautiful hotel called brittania leeds, millgreen view, the crime has gone up so bad. But the difference is the migrants can't leave without a pass but they won't tell you why? Or how many of them are staying, this is also a family housing area. There's a subway to the big tescos outside the hotel and it's no longer safe especially at night 😢 love your videos thankyou for giving us more insight as we the public are told absolutely nothing kindest regards

    2. They do not train for there sia licence there giving to them as long as they speak some English. I did the course . If there was nothing to hide why the security at that level ????

    3. This is the type of people they are letting in!! This country is doomed if we don’t voice up against this.. thank you DJE media, your work is making awareness to this issue.

    4. to be honest if the hotels did reopen to the public i doubt i could sleep in one of those beds knowing one of them filthy germ ridden imegrants had slept in that room id have to have proof they are new beds if they couldnt prove i wouldnt stop there

    5. Whine all you like, the UK has caused much of the illegal immigration through its illegal war in Iraq and as a proportion does much less than any other major European country to share this burden

    6. The refugee system in the UK and all developed countries is abused by illegal immigrants who want to easily migrate without burden.

    7. Were they deaf as he had to keep repeating himself a dozen times they think they own all these hotels this governent must be on one hell of a promise to be going to all this trouble for these things


    9. D.J.E. Take my advice from someone who knows danger when he see's it , you need another person/pal along side of you when visiting these Migrant Hotels , you can almost smell the danger from everywhere and everyone and you being one man is not enough to be safe from all these out of control hotel inmates and also the so called security who just don't know English Language when its spoken to them !!! How ridiculous has our once Great Britain become when this mayhem is happening all over our nation . get safe my friend and be safe always .

    10. Apparently called the Kallergi plan, an alleged plan to flood us with migrants of a different culture. Allegedly to dilute down our culture and will enable to easily control us as we get diluted down with no. The no.s will eventually overtake our own so you can imagine if our culture is not respected or a part of their culture, who are the ones that will be expected to adapt because it seems to me our culture is being changed from many angles already. I'm also very concerned for the safety in particular of women and children. There has been some reports of murders, rapes and what else will happen. Will these be used for drugs trafficking and dealing? for trafficking of women, well they do seem to come over on boats without going through passport checks that we have to go through. If coming here to take jobs they say our people don't want to do as we get insulted and called lazy then why are they in migrant Hotels, being provided for by the state and not out working? there are migrants though working in car cleaning centres allegedly getting cash in the hand working for other migrants running the business. Are they out on farms helping farmers? In the end the public pays. The other point that is frustrating is how many come to UK buy up our properties, schools, businesses etc, and it's all allowed. No consideration for protecting the people here. They have the migrants protecting the migrants and you the indigenous person is not allowed to go into the Hotel. In India only the Indians are allowed to buy property but in the UK all and sundry can buy up our land and properties,

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