Mountain Bike legends Hans Rey & Steve Peat on their North to South Iceland Traverse in Aug.’15. They were joined by local rider Runar Omarsson and the folks from Icebike Adventures


    1. Amazing video very inspiring. I was planning a similar traverse through Iceland but found that it is not allowed ti use the trail from Ásbyrgi to Dettifoss with a bike…so did you get permission from the Environmental agency?

    2. Was lucky enough to ride with Runar this august on an Icebike adventure trip.  I have ridden a few of cool places, but Iceland by far was an entirely different experience.  Park city, Moab, St.Georges, Kingdom trails all fall short of this place.

    3. Spectacular video! great music, cinematography, and of course – top notch riding! Thank you to your entire team . . . damn you guys & gals are just superb!

    4. Hans I am a fan of your videos, they show what MTB is all about. The adventure the discovery the ride. BTW Just got my GT Carbon Sensor. Love it!, keep posting.

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