This is the seventh vlog of our Europe bicycle tour in summer 2019. In this episode we continue our Bosnian adventure and fall even more in love with this country. We visit Sarajevo and discover the sad and recent history of the Sarajevo siege and the beautiful old town, remains of the Ottoman Empire. Them we continue to cycle towards Visoko to visit the Bosnian Pyramids and see if these are real or just normal mountains.

    Subscribe to our channel to not miss our next vlog where we make our way towards Poland, crossing Hungary, Slowakia and Czech republic.

    Timeline & Itinerary:
    00:00 Introduction
    00:10 Way to Sarajeva
    05:09 Sarajevo
    09:28 Visoko & Bosnian Pyramids
    13:27 North of Bosina
    15:48 Serbia

    For pictures and stories, follow us on:

    #cycleineurope #bicycletouring #cycletouring #biketouring #sustainabletravel #slowtravel #cycling

    Filmed with Pixel XL


    MSR Dragonfly


    1. Great video, will watch the others now. I remember hammering copper like that to make an ash tray in school many years ago. I'll add that to countries to visit. Well done, hope you get more subscribers.

    2. Really interesting! It seems the roads were fairly busy with basically no margin on the side for cycling. Did you find that to be the case in BH? Were there smaller quieter roads usually available?

    3. 😍😍👍🏻👍🏻❤️❤️👏👏👏🚴🏻‍♂️🚴🏻‍♂️ Beautiful Bosnia & Herzegovina… will follow you guys 🚴🏻‍♂️🚴🚴‍♀️👋❤️

    4. At 2:15 you brought back my worst cycling memory…. I went through Bosnia just after the war ended summer of 1996. Started in Srpske Brod and headed south through destroyed Sarajevo and on to Mostar and Dubrovnik. In that very tunnel, without traffic and lighting, I pushed my bike with the wheels on the road and my feet where you were cycling, when one of those cement flagstones cracked and I began to plummet into an abyss. Luckily my arm grabbed the edge and I has hanging in mid-air- I don't know how deep it was and I dread to think. It was all in total darkness. I felt wetness down my leg and realised I'd injured myself and was bleeding. With nobody about I mangaged to haul myself up and onto the dark road, and waited for a vehicle to come, and it did in the form of a UN APC with Norwegian soldiers inside. They guided me out with their headlights and patched me up, I still have the scar. I cursed myself for not having any lights. When I saw you riding on those cement slabs my heart sank thinking how easily one of them could have broken and sent you the same way as me. You have guardian angels!

    5. Many cyclists complain that Croatia is dangerous to cycle in. They complain that the motorists are reckless. I cycled from Split to Slovenia and never felt danger but I understand their point of view. How does Bosnia-H compare? Also the tunnels seem difficult, as you know it can be very slow going if the tunnel is uphill and the truck noise is quite alarming. Were all the tunnels like the one in your video? (By the way I’m loving the journey… kudos)

    6. Thanks for providing an opportunity of viewing this beautiful country, which was not possible for me practically to go and visit. I enjoyed this video and hope you will show more beautiful and historic cities in future.

    7. Леночка природа просто красота неописуемая….молодцы что вы можете себе позволить быть свободными и путешествовать вдвоем Счастья и новых открытий..!

    8. Incredible. countries I hope to visit in time. Ah, Proper Pizza. Italian friends i have from Foggia bake square pizza, they make them in trays and cut them into slices for sale in their take out shop in Yorkshire.

    9. When cycling through the countries of the former Yugoslavia, were you more likely to live in the wild, in a campsite, in a hotel or Airbnb / warmshowers?

    10. "Republika Srpska" it"s not Serbia, it is part of Bosnia. That part of Bosnia is occupied by Serbian army and Bosnian Serbs, during aggression against Bosnia. Bosnian traitor president Izetbegovic signed and sealed the name "Republika Srpska", so it exists today but it is still officially part of Bosnia.

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