Welcome to the eighth Func Prog Sweden MeetUp 2023 – Online

    This MeetUp will be streamed live online on the Func Prog Sweden YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/FuncProgSweden

    The Program:
    00:00 Stream start
    05:15 Introduction and welcome by Magnus Sedlacek
    07:31 Introduction to fp-go, functional programming for golang by Dr. Carsten Leue
    01:14:46 ChatGPT as your Erlang coach by Georgiana Chelu

    Introduction to fp-go, functional programming for golang
    – Why FP and why Go?
    – Short introduction to Go language features supporting (or interfering with) FP style
    – Functional concepts supported by fp-go, including code examples
    – Managed side effects and concurrency
    – Reasons for using and for not using the library
    – Performance

    Dr. Carsten Leue
    I am a software developer and architect at IBM R&D in Böblingen, Germany. Having worked on large scale backend and frontend solutions has led to value functional programming patterns, independent on the programming language. In this presentation I would like to discuss how such pattern can be applied to the Go programming language using the open source github.com/IBM/fp-go libary.

    ChatGPT as your Erlang coach Georgiana Chelu @ CraftingSoftware
    Georgiana has been an Erlang enthusiast for 7 years and many more to come. She takes pleasure in sharing her knowledge and gives back to the community by presenting Erlang insights at meetups.

    In this fast-moving tech universe, Georgiana is always chasing the newest tools and trends in functional programming. She’s not just building the future; she’s creating it, one Erlang line at a time.
    She’ll be giving a talk about learning Erlang with ChatGPT, so you can expect some insights about how to use it as a coach and the boundaries you need to be aware of.

    Video sponsor – Ada Beat

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