Well we travelled off to Greece for a conference, and found some trails here in Marathon! Super stoked to get to ride and actually hit some awesome jumps! I am super happy that we found this trail and hope we can ride it again soon!

    Let me know what you think about the music, I wanted to try something different, and it is not the same as the last video with music, so I decided to try it.

    Also, I edited this video. I am really excited that I was able to edit it well, although Jonah is wicked good at editing also. The next few videos will be from me while Jonah is on vacation.

    Check up on the Instagrams for more information and some behind the scenes awesomeness from Greece and also from Kenya and wherever in the world I’ll be!


    1. Hey if you liked the trail go to makroxori and there are the farm trails with really good dirt roads and there are downfalls and upfalls and some times in the trails there are ramps from wood

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