In this video I share my story and journey about the downside of travel, depression, the reasons why we travel and how can we bring the magic from travelling into our everyday lives, even as a person living in one location. It’s a follow on from this video:

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    people might be searching for: Solo travel, solo travel vlog, solo travel tips, backpacking vlog, back packing trip, travel the world, hitchhiking, trail magic, backpacker, travel vlog, personal growth, self help, hiking journey, travel documentary, travel turkey, backpacking turkey, lycian way, how to solo travel, travel tips, solo travel 101, solo travel tips, lycia yulu, hostel experience, where to travel in turkey, travel diary, nathaniel drew, matt d’avella, captain sinbad, better ideas, hamza, denmo, cole hastings, personal growth, travel ruined my life, travel is overrated, aaron doughty, kraig adams, stephen antonioni


    1. relate on every level, I have gone travelling when feeling anxious, and it didn't solve my anxiety. To be happy, you need to be happy in yourself first. No one else can give you that. Thanks for the inspiring video.

    2. I've had the same struggle brother, grew up always thinking I had to be something better out there so I left home when I was 15, found the love of my life, everything seems great until I decided I'd do what everyone in my religion thought I should do with my life and go serve the church for 2 years away from everyone I cared about, and after 4 months of that I was done with it all, packed up a bunch of canned food camping gear and provisions in My uncle's van and drove it out to Southern California to just get away from it all and get my start you know..
      That wasn't it either, so I move back home and married my girl, i started chasing the American dream, for 18 years I pushed myself to become a doctor, it was really hard cuz I was trying to do something that I didn't realize wasn't in the cards with all the trauma I had from spending 15 years trying to survive in a home with a violent alcoholic psychopath father. Even finished med school graduated with honors got into a residency at Oklahoma State University, wasn't one of my top five choices, but I had failed the boards twice so all the lucrative specialties were off the table for me, then I lost my residency 10 days in, found out I had failed the step two boards again, ultimately was withdrawn from my program, My wife got sick, diagnosed with breast cancer, left me and took our seven kids, then I lost my best friend and my brother, I started drinking, Life looked really bleak and I was really depressed for a couple years. I discovered law of attraction and things started getting a little better, I got doing sales and doing well at it, but I've always felt like I'm just not there yet, just not ready to receive the best of life.

      What's crazy is that I've always just wanted to travel with my family, we've gone a couple of family trips to Disneyland and places like that, those were very fun. It's crazy to me that traveling never helped you and your struggle, seems like you have the perfect life being able to travel and go anywhere you want. I guess it shows that happiness is an inside job, there's no external circumstances that will ensure your happiness if you have not found it within yourself.

    3. Wow! Exactly what I need right now. Stumbled upon your channel and so glad I did. Yes, everything you said totally resonates with me. You look like you're in a good place now. Peace… 🙂

    4. I am not sure I understood everything but "I free to be a different me when I go across the sea where nobody know me" resonated with me. Basically what your saying, if you allow yourself the freedom to be a different you at home, you can find happiness as much as abroad or even more ?

    5. Thank you for sharing this perspective and your experiences. I’ve always wanted to travel outside the country and experience what it’s like on the other side. But I’ve also had to learn and appreciate where God has placed me and the people He’s blessed me with and I’ve become more content now than I used to be with where I live. I do want to share though that NOTHING in this life can fulfill you like God can. Everyone has a God sized hole in their heart and that’s why they can never fill it with anything but Him. So I want you to know that Jesus Christ is the only way, the truth, and the life and the only way to God because He is God. May the truth set you free and may you be filled with His Spirit. He’s coming soon so please don’t hesitate to seek His face and believe in His Son Jesus Christ and repent of your sins. Be blessed!

    6. "With all thy getting, get understanding."

      Proverbs, Rock of Ages for "everywhere you want to be."

      "The truth shall set thy free."

      New Testament

      "Better it is to live one day wise and meditative than to live a hundred years foolish and uncontrolled. (Verse 111)"

      The Dhammapada is one of the primary collections of teachings attributed to Siddhartha Gautama, who is revered as the "Shakyamuni Buddha" and considered founder of the Buddhist traditions. It contains 423 verses in 26 categories, which, according to tradition, are answers to questions put to the Buddha on various occasions, most of which deal with ethics.

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