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    Yes! You can remove stop signs and things actually get safer (especially for cyclists). So why do so many cities still use them?

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    San Francisco Stop Sign Protest Video
    YouTuber mathewst1m
    Wiggle – Bicycle Stop Sign Protest

    Meggs, Jason N.
    Bicycle Safety and Choice: Compounded Public Cobenefits of the Idaho Law Relaxing Stop Requirements for Cycling

    Whyte, Brandon. “The Idaho Stop Law and the Severity of Bicycle Crashes: A Comparative Study”

    Het woord “Stop” op verkeersborden wordt door “Halt” vervangen.
    Foto op de Dam genomen.
    19 november 1941
    Amsterdam Beeldbank

    History of the Stop sign in the Netherlands


    1. I can't help but think that in the US, removing stop signs would enable entitled drivers to bully everyone else out of their way even more than they do now.

    2. I grew up in England but moved to the US. Having grown up with roundabouts I view the 4 way stop intersection to be just about the most childish way to build an intersection. But I think even 8 year olds would be able to figure out a better solution.

      The few roundabouts I have seen in the US all have the wrong right of way rules and are thus even more absurd.

      I have concluded that 4 way stops are so popular because Americans just love stupid rules and it creates a great revenue source by sending out police to ticket people.

      In my neighborhood there is even a stop sign on a road without an intersection. There had been an intersection but during reconstruction one road was closed. But they left the stop sign where the intersection had been.

      Mini roundabouts as used in the UK should replace all 4 way stops. The main problem is that in the US, the concept of public service announcements on TV is not understood so there is no effective way of communicating changes to the population efficiently.

    3. The first time I've taken a driving test I failed just bcs I slipped a Stop sign, this is ridiculous I get it if I merge into a busy street but I was merging into a litteraly empty street with a lot of visibility its just stupid.
      I passed 6 month later on the 3rd try.

    4. stop signs are genuinely so dumb. i know people who got tickets for not coming to a complete stop when there was literally no one else there AND they actually DID come to a complete stop

    5. Stop signs are an excellent money maker in the US. Police will write you a ticket for rolling through a stop sign, which almost everyone does when there are no other cars. So the spirit of the rule of a stop sign is to help avoid a collision at an intersection. When there are absolutely no other cars you aren't going to collide with anyone. The police use this to their advantage and rake it in. With that said, I don't see stop signs going anywhere in my city.

    6. Can you make a video about what it was like to move to the Netherlands? Like did you have to learn Dutch? How did you find a job? Do you travel to visit family or does family visit you?

    7. 2:10 So why do so many cities keep doing something that is inconvenient, inefficient, and less safe?
      because huffing gas employs people in the two tom toy industry, the oil industry, and the high way lobby. that and gas huffers are easily ruled, unless they are have having road rage baby fits. then they are likely to kill someone

    8. I love the Nazi argument, which is absolutely terrible as a logic but it works perfectly as a joke. Complete contrast to the rest of the video, like pickled onions with fatty braised beef

    9. I used to make little towns with roads and train tracks out of models when I was a kid and I was VERY particular about how the street signs were set up. Where a stop sign was important, I would put them but more often than not all that was necessary was a yield

    10. Those "sharks teeth" are super confusing. I thought they were arrows telling you which lane traffic should go in.

      This got me into a lot of trouble some years back. It's kinda funny looking back now cause I was driving the wrong way in these lanes and flipping off the oncoming traffic like "What is wrong with all of these people?? Don't they have any respect for the rules??"

      In case it's not completely obvious, I'm american.

    11. Strongly disagree on almost anything you've said on Stop signs. They are literally one of the few things, that works in terms of road safety and will stop or at least slow down idiots from doing idiotic things on the road. And actually most drivers do obey Stop signs. Most drivers I know are disciplined and do follow and obey Stop signs. Trying to say nobody stops at Stop signs means, either you want to make a straw case from exceptions, to convince us this is how it is (when it is not) or – even worse – that you and the people around you are bad drivers and law-violators. I hope the latter isn't the case.
      From biking perspective stop signs may be annoying, but you know – world doesn't exactly revolve around bicycling. The world is not Netherlands and Netherlands is not the world.

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