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    1. Oh you are so brave I would not like to drive in those conditions let alone cycle ! I am in the North East of England so used to bad weather, I would be so scared of drivers skidding etc I would never make a winter bather, cannot stand the shower being chilly. However you always look so fit and healthy with bright eyes and glowing skin, it must be good for you.

    2. Wow. I can't believe you cycle in the snow. I am from Tennessee and if we see snow it is the apocalypse. Here someone would have pulled over and insisted you put the bike in the trunk and accept a ride. You never cease to amaze me.

    3. Diane I am wondering how far the swimming area is from your house ? does the brakes on your velo grip real well in this kind of weather was concerned at the red light. Bravo to you. My nephew fell
      and broke is ankle in several places just trying to shovel is driveaway in Kansas thank God he had is cell phone with him and was able to call the ambulance

    4. Oh my goodness, I had no idea you biked so close to major traffic…big trucks, motor homes, big cars, etc. please be careful sweet friend. I love the tea ritual with pretty cups.! Is that a bike path next to the road? You may be better prepared for bikes & traffic than we are…most of the world is!

    5. This was the loveliest video, going along with you. I always feel more peaceful after watching your videos and today's was just one of the best. Gliding along in the snow in Denmark today with my friend. Thank you ever so much for taking the time to do for us.

    6. You are tougher than a sack of hammers! LOL! You inspire me with not only your Fly Lady routines, but also to just enjoy life, no matter what the weather!

    7. This is amazing! Biking to swim and swimming before work! Now I can see how our ancestors could settle in a cold region…I’ve been too sheltered! Riding along with you felt like it wasn’t that bad and so beautiful.

    8. That cycle seemed so invigorating! Yes scary to watch with the cars but I'm assuming that's just the camera location that's causing that. I loved watching it Diane, thank you.

    9. Beautiful scenery as you skillfully ride your bike towards your destination. Your face is alive and aglow as I see the joy you have being out in the cold fresh air. Thank you for taking us along, but glad I bundled up!

    10. Slightly scary watching how close some of those cars were but you are obviously used to it and love it. Enjoyed going on your bike ride virtually while sitting under my air conditioner in the heat of the East coast of Australia's summer. Was over 30 degrees Celcius today and will get hotter. Some areas of our country have been hitting 47 degrees Celcius. Give me snow any day. Thanks Diane ❄️❄️❄️

    11. Oh my goodness. You are so amazing. I can't imagine going into the sea in the cold…and no sauna? And then your hair is wet and your friend has long hair!! And then you bike home?? Absolutely like nothing I've seen. But you seem so healthy and positive that these habits must be doing you a lot of good.

    12. Diane thank you for the ride along. Looks scary with the cars yet peaceful at the same time. Oh how the world is different. Here in Ohio it is 14 degrees right now. If someone here is riding a bike in the winter we think they have lost their mind. But our streets only accommodate two cars in most places and there is no room for bikes. Some places have special bike pads to ride on.

    13. I so enjoyed this ride to your winter bathing club – very interesting perspective and all in the comfort of my own home. Lol. The snow was actually quite beautiful. 🖖🏼💕

    14. In awe of the journey you take on your bike! Makes it seem silly to complain here in the UK when it's 'too rainy' to go outside. Excellent! How much time does it take you to cycle to the sea? xx

    15. I love when the trees & rest of the landscape is dusted with snow. It looks so beautiful then, like a magical fairy land. My favourite part of winter.

    16. Love it Diane, thanks for taking us on your bike ride. I cycle here in Ireland too and it’s all about having a decent bike & motivation. Can I ask what is the name of the holder for your phone that allowed you to video? X

    17. How amazing you just get out there and ride in weather like that. We live in Anchorage, Alaska and I do see people riding their bikes around all times of the year. And there are people here who dive into frozen lakes. But I don't seem to be as brave as that; however, it brings me joy to see you are enjoying yourself and living fully! Who knows? Maybe tomorrow I'll go for a bike ride? I usually go for walks all kinds of weather but biking looks fun. The winterbathing….ummm….maybe….someday…. Thank you for all your great videos and helping us all get into tip top shape!

    18. Here in Canada we have snow tires for bicycles. Many people like to bike to work and shopping or just go places. But mainly, we have couriers that work either on foot or bikes so they need the snow tires because they work all day and it's dangerous – yes, we also have truck/car couriers. Nicole

    19. I just seen this.. OMG! I would have an anxiety attack riding along with traffic like that.. If they slipped into you or just the thought of them driving that close.. But girl you can pedal pedal like mad.. Keep up the good work!

    20. I don’t know if this is the one you wanted me to watch but I couldn’t find the tag. Anyway I would be scared to ride my bike in the winter. It’s slippery and cars fishtail here. I was happy to see you had your helmet on.

    21. Watching this during a heatwave in 2020. Lovely snowy bike ride.
      But I must say, when that first car passed you so near, it made me gasp.

    22. Hi Diane, that was a lovely journey….if I was 20 years younger…I’d make a new life in Denmark…it’s so forward thinking and progressive…thank you for all your ….life in Denmark films….so interesting & inspiring ….love from bonnie Scotland ❤️

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