Follow me on a three down journey along the Eurovelo 7 in Northern Sweden. I packed my bike, set out on a southbound journey to the nearby city Umeå. I found myself cycling on desolate roads, both paved and gravel far into the night. This time of the year the sun is basically shining all through the night.


    1. I’ve put a lot of effort into this one and I’m really curious to find out what you think of this new format. Please share your thoughts in the comment section. It will help me in numerous way, both as feedback for upcoming videos. Plus your engagement will also help this video reach a bigger audience. Can’t wait to read what you think about it!

    2. Great video – one of your best
      How do you like the front bags? I used to have a traditional front rack with panniers but didn't like the way the bike felt as far as steering so I changed over to fork bags similar to what you have and I hardly notice they are there. In a future video tell us how you like the bikepacking set up.
      I hope to get to Sweden for a bike tour in 2022 – I want to camp in those shelters.
      Also in a previous video I think you went to Spain or somewhere, how was it getting your bike on the plane?

    3. Nice video! Good balance. Maybe you can think about creating a logo that you can use for the beginning of your videos. I'm starting my trip from Umea up north the eurovelo route this tuesday (land with the plane on monday). If you think the logo is a good idea and you need some free help, i'm a graphic designer. Maybe we can meet when I'm in Skelleftea😉 (you can contact me on instagram: jonaslepercq)

    4. Hi Mike,
      Me and my girlfriend plan to go to the north cape from the Netherlands departing next month. Is there a gpx file for the eurovelo 7? Are the rough gravel roads official EV 7?
      We are really looking forward traveling north.

      Kind Regards,

    5. Hej Mike, thanks for your inspiring films! Can you tell me, is Eurovelo 7 in Sweden signposted well? And in case you used gpx data, where did you get it from? I couldn‘t find any on the euro velo website. Best wishes from Germany! Julie

    6. I loved it, Mike. It had the pace of a bike ride – relaxing and for me it had the benefit of exploring with you places that are likely too far for me to visit myself. Much of the scenery looks like where I live now in Maine. We just had a garage fire and I lost my gravel bike (Salsa Warbird), but will be getting my new bike (Ibis Hakka) this Friday and can't wait. I have a room full of gear ready to put on the bike when it comes. Thanks for the video, which gives me a way of enjoying cycling even when I can't do it myself for now.

    7. i lived in Västernorrland,close to Kramfors,for five years. it was like paradise,especially in winter.

      i miss it a lot…

      enjoy your rides!

      thanks for sharing.

      greetings from Liechtenstein

    8. I’ve really enjoyed this journey Mike. I was guided here after watching the bikepacking bag videos. I’m about to buy similar bags and I’d love to know what kit you took on this three day trip and where you packed it all. Did I see a Trangia set in there. Thank you.

    9. Nice peaceful video! Once you get used to bikepacking frame bags and taking less, the frame bag system works great for off road tours. Took me a while to make the switch. Panniers are still great for commuting, and grocery shopping. On the GDMBR I managed to carry two days of food, gear, etc, with resupply at towns every two days. Filtering water along the route, and water carry in some areas takes creativity. You show beautiful scenery, thanks mucho!

    10. Love this video of your 3-day tour along the Euroveto 7. You do a great job, love the format, the various camera angles and your music selections. Thanks for sharing!

    11. Hi Mike, thanks for this great video! My first one from you. I found it by searching for 'Bikepacking North Sweden' in YouTube. I subscribed your channel and saw that you also biked in Norway. This brings me to a question: I am planning to bike from Bavaria to the North Cape this summer and basically saw 2 routes: one going via the Norwegian coast (from my place 4,300km with 40,000 altitude metres), the other one going via Sweden (3,400km and only 20,000 altitude metres). I would love to experience Sweden (and a piece of Finland) but people warn me about the Swedish mosquito summer. Is it really that bad? Which month is the worst? And what is the best way to protect yourself?

    12. Vilka trevliga videos du gör. Inspiration på högnivå. Extra roligt att se ens egna hemtrakter. Uppvuxen i Umeå. Flyttat sen ett par år tillbaka men besöker staden någon gång per år då familjen bor kvar.

      Jag förstår lockelsen av att resa till Italien och länder däromkring. Speciella vyer helt klart. Men Sverige på sommaren är fruktansvärt fint. Faktiskt svårslaget skulle jag vilja påstå. Älskar de sena sommarkvällarna. Speciellt nära vatten.

      Nu vill jag ju också åka ut med cykeln 😅

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