1. Sorry to hear re the pain but you gotta do whats best for you! Yeah not keen on what they have done with the new Himmy.

      Weather pretty shite here and after wanting to chuck the gopro at the wall have made progress hopefully will film soon! (NEC plus first trip to ACE cafe, although not a huge fan of London).

    2. So kind of you to mention me on your channel! I really appreciate that. Made my day. Sorry to hear about your back (I too struggle with a less-than-good back) and the possible sale of that fine motorcycle. But I'm pretty glad you're gonna stick around and do Vespa stuff. We will start a Vespa YouTube revolution! Between the two of us we'll corner the market and be a global phenomenon. Or, you know… Something like that! 🙂

    3. Morning Harry, sciatica is literally a pain in the arse, Vespa is so much more accessible and easier to use when the sciatica is bad, lake looks picture perfect, thanks for the mention, I watch you cause love your sense of humour literally LOL and your rides in a country I find fascinating, so I’ll stick around, I’m pretty much in the same boat as you, no rhyme or reason to how much you hurt, I keep the meds fore the days I need a day off from walking like I’ve a broom up my arse, keep on keeping on bud. …. Pete.

    4. Hi Harry, I just watched the video, thanks for the mention, 2 fit good looking guys, I totally agree, it goes without saying I will stick with you no matter what you ride, shame if the himi goes but I understand what your saying, when it becomes painful to do things it is not worth it, I had to have a MRI on my back and like you I'm claustrophobic, and I was a shivering mess inside that tube😅, take care……. Colin 😊

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