The bizarre crash in the Tour of Denmark could potentially be showcasing the problem that has been eluded to by anonymous sources in the peloton or can it just be explained by a simple physics lesson?

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    1. Look at the corn. It’s not windy enough to move a bike. Plus they’d be echeloned out the other way.

    2. All race bikes need to be constructed of clear polymers, it's the only way to achieve transparency in the sport. I'll just see myself out now.

    3. If you rode a road bike at 40+ km/h, you would understand that there is a lot of power in the spinning wheels. If you crash, the wheels are still spinning (of course) and the power has to go sonewhere. This results in this „miracle“.

    4. what wind??? the corn in the field beside the road wasn't moving to indicate ANY wind, let alone a strong enough wind to blow the bike across the road.

    5. I fell off my bike once and the bike did the same thing. It turned out I had a motor in my bike. The local race organizers gave me a nice punishment. I had to ride naked next year. But I still won! Everyone was pissed.

    6. The only one who bring this bullshit up again is you, to get viewers. Svært ved at tro, at du dansker med indsigt i emnet lukker sådan noget lort ud i denne video

    7. Two points here.

      1 – whilst the bike appears to move perpendicular across the road, the bike is actually crossing the road diagonally towards the direction it had been headed in, but the motocam and other cyclists moving forward make it appear like it turned at a right angle.
      2 – the front wheel is stood up with full contact on the ground, which could strongly influence the direction the bike travels.

    8. They go at incredible speed but there is nothing to see. The tyres are big and when the contact on the ground it will drag away from it sposition. Simpe as that.

    9. Why would someone be using an electric motor on a downhill downwind portion of the race? I mean the group was split and they were chasing…but really, it isn't going to do much for you at that speed/pace/wind. More lack of understanding of something that has existed for hundreds and longer years….with wheels.

    10. Theres no doubt that rear wheel had motor drive to it. I've done amateur races and they also make similar messes, especially now with the general handling quality of pros of late days are messy, but regarding the crash, who are they thinking the BS of the light carbon rim having Momentum to drive the bike like that is a joke. I used light alloy tubulars about same weight and heavier than the wheels seen in races now, and you NEVER saw bikes get powered across the road like that. The guy that gets taken out from that dirty bike should sue the cheat rider. And new tech is needed to sniff out the motors.

    11. So how many bikes, and when, with which riders have been PROVEN to use electrical-mechanical assistance on the drive system?

      They'll always be cheats in this sport, but they eventually get found out. Maybe some might get away with a cheat a few times before being caught.

    12. Wow and just as I started to follow your videos. You pull this stunt ? -video clip at 38-39 seconds is played in reverse … Notice the other riders cyling backwards

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