Day 1 of the Hercules Bike Tour around the Peloponnese of Greece. Today, I was cycling from Athens to Corinth, a distance of about 100km. This was the first of many bike touring vlogs about cycling in Greece during this bicycle tour.

    The aim of this bike tour is to visit places in Greece connected with the myth of Hercules and the 12 Labours. Today, I visited Elefsina, an archaeological site that was at one point in time an important religious centre.

    It was said that Hercules visited Elefsina in order to be inducted into the Elefsinian Mysteries before descending to the Underworld to capture Cerberus the fearsome three headed dog.
    I then cycled on to finish the day in the town of Corinth.

    I’ll be making a bike touring vlog a day during the Hercules Bike Tour. Please subscribe to the channel and check out the playlist for more videos!

    More about the bike tour here –

    Blog post for first day bikepacking Greece here:

    Interested in bike touring tips? Take a look at my post here, and sign up for my free newsletter! –

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    #cycling #Greece #biketouring


    1. Very enjoyable video as ever, Dave. As a Classics teacher in the UK and a rookie bike tourist, I find your posts make for excellent viewing. Would like to see some lovely Greek food at lunch, please! All the best from Shropshire!

    2. Dear Mr. Briggs, we feel so proud every time some citizen from another country is interesting for
      these old stones/marbles. Especially, when he is SOoooo Good informed !
      My father was born in a village near Kalavryta, and the idea to visit these holly places in spring is Perfect !!!
      On a bike more Perfect !
      Those places are blessed. Klima, ground + water are the best for plants. Every plant is growing there.
      Central Peloponissos is rocky-Arkadia. You must visit some day The Tempel of Epikorus Apollo 1.150m altitude

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