1. I really enjoyed looking at your video of your epic journey. Are you on Facebook? I'd like to chat to you for some information about it if you wouldn't mind. Paula

    2. What a great video, thanks for sharing this. I am doing the Rhine ride this June/July and was interested in other people’s journey. Was very impressed with your dads effort, cheers from Brisbane Australia

    3. Thank you for sharing. This is by far the best put together video of the route. If you can contact me and help me with with some of my questions about the route I will be much thankful. louroussinos@gmail.com I am 74 and plan to do this dream of mine this year as age and health is changing for me. My best regards to you from the west coast of Canada.

    4. Cracking video 🙂 Brings back amazing memories of our Rhine ride. That freedom is like nothing else right! And the bratwurst:) Beautiful photos. I hope you get to tour again soon

    5. Brilliant video but your Dad is the 🌟 he looked like he enjoyed it . I am hoping to do it next year conditions permitting.
      As a fellow Yorkshire top marks 👌

    6. What a great thing to do with your Dad. He is an inspiration. Actually, you both are. Just got the ride in before Covid. Hopefully we are back to people being able to emulate what you two did.

    7. Tener la oportunidad de compartir con tu padre un viaje, un sueño como este, es un privilegio que pocos pueden tener. Felicitaciones y gracias por compartir este canto a la vida… me lleno de emocion…

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