The Don’ts of Visiting Athens, Greece
    Hey there fellow travelers, greetings from Athens, Greece! Athens is so much more than just a walk up the Acropolis hill, so get out and enjoy some of the temples around Athens, the markets and Plaka district, the incredible food of Athens, and all the tourism sights you can possibly see. Tourism and travel information on Athens.
    #athens #greece #visitathens

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    1. When I started driving in Athens, mind you after years of being a seasoned driver in the United States, someone told me, forget about how you drive in the United States, it’s different in Athens. First word of caution was, never fully stop at a stop sign (and some are hidden behind trees or completely bleached out by the sun) because I will end up causing an accident and the car
      Behind me will bump into mine. It’s very true driving in Athens is completely nuts.

    2. its not the commission they're trying to avoid, lol. It's the IRS, you pay cash you dont get a receipt, your purchase isn't declared. Also water in Athens and most places in Greece (other than in the islands except for Eubeia and/or Crete) is 100% potable/drinkable and amongst the best quality water in Europe. And if you can don't visit in July/Aug. its hot af and you'll pay twice the price for no reason b/c it's high season.

    3. I remember I watched your what not to do in Cancun video last year. Ended up getting drunk and really had to pee used the bathroom behind a building and the Mexican police appeared out of nowhere. They were trying to arrest me and I lied my way out of it lol. Ima take your advice for now on 😂

    4. I think that's where Paul spoke to the important men of Athens (who worshipped many, many Gods) but Paul went to speak to them about the only, one true God 📖🤍 (iykyk ~ if you know you know) 😉

    5. You paint such a beautiful picture of Athens.. I lived in Athens all my life and I'm telling you people, stay as far away from it as you can. In fact, don't ever visit Greece at all, it's a horrid place where you risk your well-being every second. This is the place where crime flourishes, any and every aspect of criminal behavior remains unpunished and that danger lurks big time for tourists. The sightseeing isn't worth it, it doesn't worth your time and money, to look upon marble stones and not knowing if you will still be in one piece at the end of the day. Really people, if you value your safety and your psychological health, stay away from Athens. I know it may sound strange to you because I am Greek and all, but believe me, you got 90% chances that you'll regret coming here. It's the place where legal rights, safety and justice go to die.. You were warned.

    6. Driving in athens is a special experience. But hey, it is the same as places like Paris, Rome, or Lyon. It is chaotic. Yes, you can reach every tourist place in Athens by taxi, bus or tram. But to me it is necessary to have a car to explore more than that and feel independent.
      The pantheon, …. some people should not go up there. The heat is incredible and you should be good at walking.

    7. I had absolutely zero problems driving throughout Greece over the 11 days there. Way better than the stinky busted cabs and cigarette smoke!

      If you're a capable driver rent a vehicle

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