1. People tend to over do it for the dog to the point that their paw pads get worn and sore, and that the dog does not complain and show that it is over exerted! I have seen this many times, or when the dog sees another one on the other side of the bike they run in front or into the wheels of the bike! Also, the bike rider only gets real exercise without the dog along!

    2. What a great idea the Springer is. The torque it taken up by the spring. I saw someone riding with this over the weekend, and had to check it out. Very cool.

    3. I recommend learning how to use a leash instead. Because this thing keeps your dog behind your line of vision, you cannot see when your dog needs to slow down. Also, I don't believe for a minute that the spring would absorb the shock of a full grown German shepherd. (I walk two at a time on the right side of my bike with a leash.) When you use a leash you can see when your dog is ready to dart off in a direction, usually after a cat or another dog. With this, you can't. Seems very unsafe for rider and dog.

    4. My wife was very badly injured a couple of years ago when we were out riding with our dogs, using leashes in our hands. Our 20lb terrier suddenly went for a lizard that ran in front of my wife's bike and, terrified that she would run over him, she jammed on the brakes and landed face first on the tarmac. Thankfully she recovered with no major injuries aside from some scars, but since then we have never dared try this again. I would love to though, as our dogs are very high energy and they LOVE to run so this product intrigues me. I have a question though – this video shows how the device reacts to dogs that pull away from the bike vs darting in front of it – the copy says that it protects against that too, but it certainly looks like there is enough leash to get under one of the wheels – but perhaps not. Do you have any videos you can point me to that show this in action. Thanks!

    5. This seems like a badly designed device. Humans are built for long-range endurance, while dogs are not. And since your dog is behind your line of sight, you can't gauge how tired they are. What if they try and stop for a break? That spring guarantees that small dogs will get dragged alongside your bike, while large dogs might stop and flip your bike.

    6. omg it frees your dog instantly isn't that dangerous my dog might run away i mean there is a very large field in front of our house and he's ran across it into the woods a few times and its really hard to catch him that seems scary!

    7. I have a Springer and it's great, I even had to attach it upside down and it still works. However, both of my dogs won't run on the same side, I actually wrecked pretty bad today trying that and I can't figure out how to attach 2 Springers to one bike. Other than that I definitely recommend this.

    8. I really like this video script starting at 1:34: "The patented safety release frees your dog instantly…and then because of our lazy design, you will then need to spend the next six hours trying to chase and catch your crazy Siberian huskies who are putting their pedals to the medal and motoring away from you at 150 mph like they've just busted out of prison and are driving getaway cars."

    9. Beware when the security attachment breaks because it comes back and whips your behind leaving you cursing the dog for the rest of the run. Happened all the time with my Golden Retriever when he decided to stop and sniff.

    10. This may seem safer for you, but in the event that you crash the dog is permanently attached to you bike. With a leash you could let go, and the dog would be fine. Also you have no way of seeing if the dog is tired.

    11. my mom got a german shepherd puppy. he loves to run and dig. interesting idea for a bike but im wary of its use with large dogs… i just stick him on the treadmill in the basement. he loves that thing.

    12. Or you could just get an E Collar and train your dog to not only heel without a leash but do a lot of other super cool things like NOT RUN AWAY FROM YOU. What a concept.

    13. This bike is almost perfect. It was very easy to assemble. https://www.youtube.com/post/Ugkx2YFGCCEkXKgqCOH-7vlvgb4L4hg4IrXI The fit was great as well. I am 5'11" and 160 lbs with a longer torso and rather shorter legs, and 55cm is a perfect fit. Every component seems to be pretty decent and durable except the rear wheel. It was a bit lob-sided and also the freewheel component is either missing a ball bearing or under lubricated, which prevents the wheel from rotating freely. Because of that, it requires more pedaling and also climbing hills a lot harder than expected. Other than the back wheel, I like everything else about it. Affordable and well-built.** UPDATE **It turns out the sound was caused by the tight chain tension. Once I loosen it up by moving the backwheel a tad bit closer to the crankset, the sound went away.

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