Vladimir Putin has denounced Ukraine’s counter-offensive, saying “it has failed” at a St Petersburg meeting with the unrecognised President of Belarus, Alexander Lukashenko.

    At the summit, Lukashenko described Wagner Group fighters holding drills in Belarus as pushing to “go for a sightseeing tour to Warsaw and Rzeszow” in a thinly veiled taunt toward Poland.

    #Russia #belarus #poland #war

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    1. Putin has a lot to answer for all those deaths on both sides. A real man would acknowledge his mistakes and take corrective action. Unfortunately it's no longer about Ukraine it's all about Putin's ego and saving face. Talk about digging yourself into a hole Putin started with a shovel and is now using a bulldozer.

    2. 2 terrorist states, at war and losing money and power in Ukraine, taunt the upcoming (and already one of the largest) military powers of NATO. Good luck with that!

    3. My heart really breaks for Poland and especially for Belarus… Never forget that Belarusians faced terrible oppression for protesting Lukashenko's 2020 rigged re-election.
      For Poland, it's like having the devil for a neighbor… but for Belarus, it's like having the devil for a roommate. 😢

    4. bullsh….the telegraph is some propaganda tool, I dont know anybody who will be afraid as russian army cant do much, and a 10k wagner even less lol

    5. They want go into Poland because they will be fighting NATO on the ground Putin be over in a week which NATO should have done a year ago instead of it getting this far ….

    6. Not gonna happen. EU and Nato will be there. That would be crushing defeat. Nobody else wants to get infested with this russian Vermin.

    7. Relax People,🧖
      Polish army is strong, modern and strenghtened by US Army and NATO soliders already on the east of Poland,
      waiting for those maggots from wagner belarus republic of powerty 😂

    8. The counter-offensive has not failed. Russia is losing soldiers, equipment and infrastructure every day while Ukraine slowly gains territory. Once the Russian defense is broken at one point, nothing will keep liberation away.

    9. No way they are going to attack Poland. They're not that stupid.
      They would be kicked out of Ukraine within few weeks, and whatever is left of their military obliterated.

    10. I'm Polish and I'm not afraid of these screamers. My ancestors have fought and died for Poland for generations. I will carry on family traditions if necessary.

    11. Friendly reminder to those that claim Poland would destroy Wagner the mercenary group consists of battle hardened fighters meanwhile Poland has little experience against what Wagner fought against

    12. People are prisoners of their own feelings until they die or get negative impact on their own body before they change something and I have been smarter I did use alcohol as drink until I had pain so bad in my shoulder and feeling like heart is getting into vacuum inside and my liver was like rock in stomach but I am grateful that I finished drinking and got my body back to training and finally learned to walk and run normally again and it helps with concentration what I also lost looking bottles

    13. They wish they could cross west to steal some washing machines and toilets from poor villagers, but they are cowards of nato weaponry and own funeral to end up in hell

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