Last october 2010, Dosnoventa was founded in the city of Barcelona, as the result of the interest of two old friends and well-known city riders, lovers of quality products and with a large professional experience in the world of the fixed wheel.
    The synergy that bonds them is what spurs them to the production of bikes, for themselves and for their friends, with the mission of offering their crew a great product using the best materials, with a very studied aesthetics, geometry and image, built by the best craftsmen but with a very competitive price.
    The first frames are delivered and the brand quickly becomes a cult object and a local reference. Since then the Dosnoventa family won’t stop growing: a team of great riders is created to represent the brand, three models of frame came on to the market,… But above all, a superb team working behind scenes for this project, sharing a lifestyle and a love for the urban culture, thanks to which Dosnoventa is now set up an reknowned for its quality, style and authenticity.

    By : Dosnoventa

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