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Two footages have been released, showing Russian soldiers on motorcycles participating in the Russian army attack in the direction of Avdiivka city in eastern Donetsk region. One of the footages shows motorcyclists call themselves the storm while participating in the attack. Another footage shows the invaders’ motorcycles that were destroyed, along with other military equipment, as a result of the Ukrainian army attack.
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Tags: Ukriane, Russia, Putin, Putler, Russian invasion of Ukraine, Zelenski, Kiev, Kyiv, Kadirov army, Kadirov, Kherson, Bucha, Kharkiv, Ukrainian pilots, vagners, Russian tanks, NATO, drones, Moscow, Kreml, war victims Ukraina,
Ahahaha ahahaha ahahaha ahahaha,,,,,,enfim.
You know when I was a kid, the Russians would attack with thousands of tanks, APCs, and loads of artillery. Now they're using motorcycle clubs?
Spent the money for camo paint on Vodka instead- no one will notice the color 😅 R.I.Pieces
Looks like they ran out of museum inventory HAHAHA 😂 now mopeds what’s next ? bicycles in skateboards LMFAO 🤣
Can they get a brighter colour than these silly bikes 😂😂
Reminds me of WWII SS on sidecar motor cycles ridding in to clear krakow's ghettos of its Jews. I believe there are scenes in "Schindler's List" that remind me of what these Russian Neo-Fascist invaders look like to the world.
They remember Hamas terrorists.
We are so lucky they are so stupid.
You can duplicate ISIS tactics in ukraine. Those soldiers won't have support after arriving at a kilometer from frontline and will be destroyed as well. That show how good sanctions and destruction are impacting the "2d army in the world"
to whoever don't know: this is a Russia elite troop Ruzmas which is redeployed in Ukraine from Syria after Israel striked Hamas
Everything that is in these Russian's heads is stupid and then reality goes and spoils it for them 🤔
the jokers' ride…
Are the bikes OK??
Отличное решение! Смерть бандеровским предателям своего народа!!!
In the dark – they don't even know it. They are hyped up to believe they are superior but Russia isn't any stronger or better or more advanced than any nation. Maintaining that illusion is getting these young men killed in the most ridiculous illogical ways. As far as I'm concerned the entire Russian population have their blood on their hands for fighting for the right to life on both sides of the Ukraine border!
Scraping a bit arent they
Russos sendos russos força Ucrânia
They need to go home if they had only a little sense.
Бл прям как в старом кино
Команда Штурбан группее СС на моциках!?)