1. Another good solution is folding bicycles. Most, including me have gotten one so we can commute quickly and easily and can bring them on the Luas or bus, so there's no need to lock up outside. I used to lock up my old bike on the Luas platform for hours on end, but it was vandalized and had the front wheel nicked. This actually happened to 4 other cyclists that use the platform. The response we got that the cameras only look at the platform, not the bike rack. So I recommend folding bikes!

    2. Nice video and good advice: 
      I wouldn't recommend any D or U type locks as they are simple to break open. Also if using a padlock and chain, make sure the padlock doesn't reach the floor as it is easy to hammer it against the floor and break it open. I've had a couple of bikes stolen over the years and I think the best thing is to lock it in a public place so it's hard for the more elaborate methods of lock breaking to be used without arousing suspicion.  Any bike hidden from public view can be stolen. anywhere in view of a CCTV camera is good too. 

    3. Drury lane car park bike parking has bikes stolen from there all the time, as it's less public and thieves can take their time getting through the more high end locks

    4. bikes should come with the same style of locks as the dutch bikes have fitted under the seat , very neat , i was in venlow recently , every one has a bike an they all have the under seat back wheel lock fitted

    5. DublinCityCouncil
      do not waste your time, people cannot be bothered to secure their selfs. People assume this is how it is supposed to happen. let them believe what they want. look only after yourself. let them suffer, until they get enough pain and anguish. until then they will do nothing about it.

    6. 摩托车在都柏林都丢呢,自行车算个屁啊,小逼崽子骑的车 哪个是自己买的?都是偷的, 骑够了 就去moore street 卖,然后再偷

    7. This is even more relevant in 2022. More secure parking needs to be available in carparks and other places even if there is a moderate charge.
      Especially for all day bike parking.
      The very real fear of having your bike stolen or vandalised is a greater deterrent to more people cycling for work or socialising than the lack of bike lanes and infrastructure.
      If I left my bike parked in Dublin I have a two metre Diamond rated chain lock and a Gold rated D lock which together weigh in at almost 8kg and even that's no guarantee if thieves can get the freedom to spend a few minutes cutting with a good angle grinder.

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