New to gravel riding or just looking for ways to increase your enjoyment of offroad riding? Let us take you through the seven most important bits of advice we wish we were given when we first started out. Follow these and maximise your ride!

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    1. For tyre pressure, put your thumb on the tyre then put your other palm over your thumb and put all your weight on your thumb till you nearly lift your feet off the ground. If you feel the rim it's a bit too soft, if you almost touch the rim it's probably about right.

    2. That Topeak multi tool bottle cage carrier is trash though. The mount of mine wore out quite quickly and then was loose all the time due to all the rattling on the ride.

    3. Can you be honest with me ? Do you think your a good person? Yes ? How many lies have you told in your life, have you stolen something, even if it’s little ? Have you ever used Gods name in vain ? Jesus said whoever looks at a women to lust for her has committed adultery with her in his heart, have you look with lust? I’m sure we have broken these commandments. So by your own admission via your conscious you have admitted to being a lying thieving blasphemous adulterer at heart do you still think your a good person ? You have to stand before God on judgment day, now if He judges you by those Ten Commandments do you think you’ll be innocent or guilty? Sin is so serious to God that He gives us capital punishment, death for our sins. The Bible says for the wages of sin is death, we earn death because we sin against God. But God provided a way out of hell. God "Jesus" in the flesh lived a perfect sinless life and paid our fine we owed God from our sins by suffering and dying on the
      cross. And on the third day He rose from the grave and defeated death, it was impossible that death could hold Him. And if you want to be saved you must repent of all your sins "which means turn from them"and not live a hypocritical life which means you say, I'm a Christian but still lie, steal and fornicate, and you must trust alone in Jesus not in good works or you being a good person and the Bible says God will give you everlasting life. “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.” ‭‭1 John‬ ‭1:9 Please think about your eternity. Love you bro, please think about your eternity. The Bible says the day of salvation is today so please leave your sin and turn to God

    4. You've got the new bike and the kit, but where to go. How do I go about find trails or gravel path to ride my new bike.

    5. I'd say before getting a bike, do make sure the gear ratio is sufficient on it. As gravel is all the rage these days, they are trying to sell everything as gravel or gravel-ready, but on many bikes the chainring and cassette combination is more suitable for fast paced road riding (looking at you Shimano). That will make it very difficult to tackle steeper terrain, especially on gravel or poor quality roads, if you are not in excellent riding condition. Unfortunately these components can be really expensive to switch out, so it's better to just get a bike that already comes with the ones that are best suited for your needs (and abilities).

    6. Why is there such a desire to strap things to your bike, when it'd be infinitely easier to put them in a small backpack? Adding the weight to you, instead of the bike, has a significant advantage to perceived weight; pragmatically, it allows for greater convenience when going from bike to bike – nobody has just one bike these days, so ensuring you've got tyre levers, pump, patch kit, spare tubes, etc. is resolved to a single pack that stays with YOU, not the bike.

    7. I do MTB trails on 35mil tyres and havent crashed once it is harder for sure but considering I also ride a lot of other surfaces that are much smoother and do a lot of bikepacking they work totally fine

      Also MTB clipless pedals are more forgiving when it comes to mud in the way that you can still clip in even though your cleads or covered and they are easier to clean I did manage to get them so dirty that I would not get in the pedal but my cleats where literally frozen like there was ice on there and I had to scrubb it of with rocks and sticks so yeah you can still get them dirty enough but its way harder than with roadpeadls

    8. I prefer my trusty CamelBak hydration back pack over bottles for off road – especially in spring and autumn when there more mud about and bottles can get mucky.

    9. Spent about 500 miles on it and so far so good. Pros:1. Very light2. Solid quality build3. Fast delivery: It arrived 5 weeks earlier than expected.4. Easy assemblyJust a few cons but nothing major:1. Cheap tin tubes and had flat on first day… but not a big deal. I replaced the tubes.2. Seat is a bit uncomfortable but that's pretty much the same situation with most bikes.3. Seat post is a bit long/high for a smaller size 48 bike – had to saw 2 inch off to fit properly. The lowest setting is too high. The post locking system does not seem to hold well (perhaps because I saw 2 inch off).4. wheels are not tubeless compatible (from what I can tell)

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