Jeremy has never been renowned for his love of cyclists and in our recent chat with him, he had plenty to say about them. Ferociously expensive cycle lanes, sweaty armpits and even their impact on the environment – it’s fair to say he didn’t hold back.

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    1. A bicycle's performance is extraordinarily efficient. In terms of the amount of energy a person must expend to travel a given distance, cycling is calculated to be the most efficient self-powered means of transportation.[1] In terms of the ratio of cargo weight a bicycle can carry to total weight, it is also the most efficient means of cargo transportation.

    2. We have bike lanes where i live and yet they still insist on riding in the car lane holding up traffic on my way to work

    3. I'd rather be in a vehicle, then flattened under a vehicle. Logic & rational thought. Can't argue with the laws of physics. If it's bigger, heavier, faster & more dense then you are. You're going to come off second best against it. So why put yourself in harms way? Then try to project the responsibility on the other person for your safety?

    4. They tried to put a cycle lane on a dual carriageway in Gloucester leading up to roundabouts, despite there already being a cycle lane on the pavement. The result was lots of near misses on the roundabout, and they had to take it out. Effectively that had directed cyclists into the path of traffic!

    5. This just sounds like an arrogant and sentimental boomer rambling about. Tons of studies in various scientific fields have confirmed that cycling and public transportation are better alternatives to travelling.

      Oh, and he belittled global warming. Very concerning.

    6. I just bought a bike today, assembling it right now, so I came back to watch this video to remind myself not to use it too often.

    7. So putting in a bike lane takes out a traffic lane leading to congestion. I have a simple solution – remove all cycle lanes, force everyone to drive so there are lots more cars on the road so there is still congestion, then when the traffic is at a standstill again, remove all the pavements because people shouldn't be walking, they should be driving and then get even more cars on the roads and even more congestion, then remove some of the buildings to make even more room for roads because buildings are just sat there doing nothing and the space is better used for cars

    8. If cycle lanes should carry on and success the cyclists should pay road tax and have a license plate for there and sensible people around them

    9. The problem with building cycle lanes is, once you get to the end of them. You're doing the same thing you were doing before you got on it; which is using the normal roads. So unless there's a system where bikes and roam without having to hope between cycle lanes, it's just not gonna work. And London was built in 47 AD and not 4700 AD.

    10. Barely no cycle lanes in Italy where cycling is a passion not a fad . They just use the roads like everyone else does and afford other road users the respect they ‘deserve’ . It may seem like utter chaos to the casual onlooker but I love driving , cycling and motor biking in Italy as it’s a very refined organised chaos . We should try it 🤌🏼

    11. I have just been to some small english villages. Never again. The traffic is intense. Almost no sidewalk, no bikelanes or other bike-infrastructures and carparking everywhere. And Even very few EV’s. The English countryside is smelly, jamned with traffic, and not what i as a tourist want to see. Thats your problem. Not mine.
      Clarkson is a sad old man showing us why UK misses the target.

    12. I used to agree with Clarkson on cycling when I didn't cycle. Now I cycle to work in central London instead of getting a tube and it's honestly weird how much he hates the freedom, fitness, and joy that cycling brings. All we ask is that we don't die. And every new cyclist on the road = one less car, thus cutting down cars, thus cutting down traffic. The only petrol vehicles we should see in central London are delivery men, taxis, buses and emergency vehicles. Imagine how clear the clean the city would be if that was the case. Then the ambulance he speaks of really wouldn't be stuck in traffic.

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