Final Days of our cycle tour from Lisbon, Portugal to Budapest, Hungary. After a short stop in Bratislava staying with a Warm Showers host we got back on the road and despite 95-100 degree weather set out to cover the remaining 180 miles in 3 days. This part of Europe started to feel distinctly different with all the signs in a non-latin based language, a food culture that loves the potato, and the occasional reminder that this used to be communist country added a new dimension to the trip.

    We followed the EuroVelo route 6 for most of the way, which heads directly to Badapest and eventually all the way to Black Sea in Romania. We did get off the EuroVelo route leaving Gyor for most of the day on the suggestion of our Warm Showers host who said that this section of the EuroVelo route was in very poor condition. Once we rejoined the official route, after taking a swim in Lake Tata, we headed to Esztergom on pretty poor roads. From Esztergom to Budapest the riding was better, but there were several ferries and river crossings that made picking a route more complicated than it should have been.

    In the end we made it! Overall it was 60 days from Lisbon and 2,600 km later on bikes and a couple train rides, but we made it to Budapest. What an unforgettable experience.

    Check out our website for more photos and updates of this and other cycling adventures.

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