Now more than ever, people prioritize their freedom over tax savings or lifestyle; they seek Nomad Capitalist to help them find the places where they can be treated best. In this video, Andrew shares why people move to Serbia for personal freedom. #Shorts


    1. If you get the chance to go to Europe go to Serbia it’s so nice the people are nice and the food is so good and the people who give the food are SO SO nice and if your a kid you can go somewhere alone no one will try kidnapping you cause there is so many good people who would protect you if someone garbs you

    2. Serbia is not in eastern Europe, it is central/southern Europe dude. You are welcome, don’t worry I was just correcting you

    3. Breaking news if you go out side in Serbia in the night there’s going to be a dancing lady what are you going to do run don’t talk to her don’t make sound and don’t look at her if you do she will come after you with a knife

    4. Hm Serbia is perhaps cheaper than other countries on average but the cost of their electronics is more expensive than the Usa for example. They also have high import fees than other eu countries and while their groceries may be “cheap”, you are getting a much smaller size . I moved to Serbia from nyc and I can tell you that Serbia is not so cheap as it was 2 years ago. The only reason people should move is if they like safety and relatively cheap land. The hospitals are outdated, 95 percent of restaurants and cafes are smoking which is unhealthy, buying simple electronics is jacked up 5 x more. The air quality in winter is horrific.I enjoy being here for the meantime but I can’t say I recommend it long term unless you are investing in real estate.

    5. every single westener i know living in eastern/central europe is a Westerner fleeing their own decaying multiculti failed liberal socieites yet they want to implement that here.

    6. I am from Serbia and 99% I agree with you. BUT if you are LGBT person, you won't have that much freedom and can't feel good when majority of population thinks that you are ill, you are not normal, something is wrong about you and therefore you should feel shameful about yourself. For that reason I will leave Serbia.

    7. Serbia is fully occupied by USA/ Nato since the colour revolution with Otpor in 2000. This includes Kosovo. So Serbia is a vassal state of the West. They control the banks, all public institutions, the military, the media etc. It’s a nice place to live if you have a lot of money and don’t actually have to make a living in Serbia. Also if you have no concerns about the effects of depleted uranium post Nato bombing. The cancer rate in Serbia is through the roof as an effect of Nato aggression

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