I lived in Denmark for about 4.5 years and that it was only recently (October 2020) that I decided to move away. I have to, of course, mention that Denmark is a wonderful country with a wealth of spectacular people whose friendships I will cherish for the rest of my life. Nevertheless, there were still a few things that bugged me to the point where I needed to leave at last for my own sake.

    🌳🌳 Support House of El: https://www.patreon.com/houseofell

    What expats wish you knew: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wJn0RrFiz9Q
    Why I chose the UK: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kxskVyHwCw4
    London weather vs Denmark weather: https://youtu.be/r789qmmgIKo
    The very emotional story of my moving day: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I8sLDOP4O8o

    Here are some timestamps for a more structured view.

    00:00 Oops!
    01:40 Reason 1
    02:43 Pronouncing vowels?
    05:35 Reason 2
    06:35 Reason 3

    📸 markoska.elena – Come say hi!



    1. Thanks for watching! I know the topic of this video is a bit controversial as Denmark really is a nice place, but I hope you can appreciate that these are my own personal opinions. Here are a few things you'd probably enjoy seeing about what expats wish you knew! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wJn0RrFiz9Q

      Have you wanted to visit Denmark before? Have you lived there? What are your experiences?

    2. Wrong. we don't trust he goverment. And the goverment don't trust the people. That is why guns are banned in Denmark, they are, afraid of us. But I think you are right about everything else.

    3. So when I move to another country, I'll of course expect everything to be in Danish, like English speakers expect that everybody else speaks English?

    4. me, and 2 of my colleagues who have meanwhile moved abroad have barely escaped from having our children taken away. fuck denmark. our neighbours who were both natives had their 3 children taken away due to the mother having delivered them to school having forgotten the meat pack. she delivered the food half a hour later. now they are childless. fuck denmark

    5. Next time you want to visit the cold and dreary weather that you experienced in Denmark 🇩🇰, go to Buffalo, NY. There you can speak English and be depressed for 6 months of overcast and cold weather.
      Big reason why I moved. 😊

    6. Thank you for your honesty versus being politically correct and telling people only what they want to hear. Your honesty will help others in similar situations.

    7. hävs$€ öF isis Rä €L ? ör justanöthörrmüZZlimcountryy??
      y dön+ they ´öthörr Fölkce get id ^?^
      jänkce är öFäirräpricentät in se midJa! ^ ^

    8. Denmark being incredibly dark really makes sense to me as a Finnish person. Denmark doesn't have everything covered in snow, like it would somewhere more north and with less sea around it. Winters in snow-covered areas don't seem so dark because the snow reflects light, making things seem a lot less dark. But take out the snow and it's going to be incredibly dark. So I would venture to guess that Denmark is probably the darkest country in the world – because if you go more north, their darkness is reduced by a factor of 10 by the snow.

    9. Nonsense!

      1. People here do NOT trust the governement (at all!), and
      2. The government absolutely NOT delivers!
      3. We are absolutely not the happiest people in the world, the WHR is pure propaganda. North Korea has made their own WHR, and comes to pretty much the opposite conclusion of ours.
      4. What, exactly, are the "plethora of wonderful things" here? The government doesnt offer education to msot of us, doesnt offer the jobs we want to most of us, we cannot even go to the doctor anymore, and our survival is by no means secured. Total rubbish!
      5. We do NOT have a free health care system. A) It's is paid by ourselves through our taxes, and B) It is, in reality, de facto, impossible to use it for lots of people, for several reasons.

      Miss: You absolutely do NOT know this shithole of a dystopia! You only look at the surface! Try again!

    10. it does make sense, as a resident born in denmark, i dont really see myself as danish.
      Regarding the language barrier, google translate can fix most virtual obstacles, but yeah the second reason is not completely outlandish, danish people only tend to open up when alcohol is consumed, which is already possible from the day they turn 16 and it might be a result of the long winter time. Summer lasts three months and the rest of the year is winter and darkness…

    11. Let's get something straight. Integrating and socializing isn't synonymous. Integrating is a useful tool to socializing and vice versa, but certainly not necessities. Learning the language is however a crucial part of integrating, if not the most crucial – and expecting to be accommodated is an exceedingly big hindrance to integrating. Yes, most of us are fluent in English – that being said, I certainly wouldn't want to be forced to speak a second language for an entire evening in order to socialize with someone who can't be bothered speaking/learning a language foreign to them (why should I?).

      Also, moving to London (of all places) because you don't like the weather in Denmark and the introverted nature of Danes is outright laughable. That is such a non-argument that it doesn't warrant a response. You moved there because you didn't have to make an effort to integrate, let's just call it like it is.

      All that being said, sorry to see you go. You seem like a nice person, too bad we weren't a match (talking about the country/culture, not us personally).

    12. Okay, just to be clear, you Take as a reason that your danish friends talk danish with eachother and you can’t understand them so you sometimes have to ask them to tell you In english, that really sounds like a you problem that can be fixed with just asking, “you guys, can we speak english tonight, so i also can be part of the conversation”, if your not willing to ask that, thats a you problem you have to work with, secondly, that language barrier your talking about can be fixed by just asking anything with two legs, anything with a pulse Denmark speaks english and if they don’t, someone else do, just ask for help

    13. I get it’s her opinion but for someone who lived a few years in Denmark I don’t agree with a single thing she said. Especially what she said about Danish people. They are super respectful and welcoming. I’m not even going to comment on her complaining that everything is in Danish.. in Denmark. But a high % of the population speaks perfect English as well.. when visiting other countries we have to be more open and understanding and not so judgy.

    14. Live in Sweden and I fully understand the third reason, it is horrible during winter. It’s just straight up depressing. And to be honest pronouncing and understanding Danish is very difficult for all the Nordics.

    15. As a Dane this was fun to watch.

      To me, four and a half year seems like a super short time to make deep and meaningful social connections, so maybe that just confirms what you are saying.

      When I have moved to a new city / country I have always sought out people with similar interests, I like fencing, running, board games, reading books, drawing and computer games and most places have at least some clubs for one or more interests you can join.
      That is usually a great way to meet people and not as socially aggressive stopping some random person on the street trying to befriend them (this from my Danish perspective, no offence intended)

      The winters are DARK and even most Danes are very negatively affected by it, it's rough.. my sincerest sympathies to people living even further north.

      My friends Brazillian wife went back because she hardly got any catcalls, she was used to getting tons of whistles and lewd comments when walking down a street and found it really difficult to find herself attractive when that almost never happened. I think it's super interesting how social norms can be so vastly different.

    16. I live in both Denmark and Finland, and I can safely say that the danes are clearly more happy in generel than the Finns, though the statistics say something slightly different. The thing is Finns don't complain all that much, and actually don't expect very much from their surroundings. They just seem to be quite happy if nothing is going wrong. And if you ask them, then they will say they are happy. Here Danes, on the other hand, complain a lot more, and are much more aware of what could be better, which again is reflected in the stats.

    17. This is so stupid. You were right about leaving Denmark; you cannot expect others to mold to you. If you don't like the culture nor the language (or at least you are not willing to use it) you basically have nothing to do there.

    18. Let me get this straight; you bash the Danes for speaking Danish in their homeland of Denmark?!? If it really bothered you that much, you should've used it as an incentive to learn Danish even more.

    19. Completely bs all of what she says, also never meet a danish that don’t talk English when foreigners are around.. but again it’s Denmark, and if u look like a prick and acts like a prick u get treated like one, seem too me that was her case over here 🤣

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