If you’re keen on finding a place that has been put through the rinse cycle by the Russians more than a few times, look no further than Moldova.

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    #moldova #transnistria #russia


    1. let’s hope so, as a Romanian that be perfect, our Moldovan brothers deserve to be in the EU and NATO. The language is not even slightly different, a part of historical Moldova is in Romania , so a good chunk of Romania speaks exactly like Moldova the country, like me. There is less difference in language between my region and Moldova the country, than my region and the rest of Romania.

    2. Russia is trying to keep its geopolitical power?
      You're hypocrisy is hilarious!😂
      Please tell us, what does Moldova produce apart from cheap organ donars?
      Reunification with Romania is very old news. You're a little late on that one. But considering you're audience, that's not an issue.
      Be careful, you're racist bias is showing.

    3. Countries are literally laughing at woke US policy while taking Russia seriously and doing plenty of business with them. Nearly everything the West has done has had the opposite effect. We need a real leader to put an end to this war, Russia should be an ally not s foe.

    4. CIA agent Zeihan looks more desperate by the day because Kyiv´s jewish mafia is now on the brink of collapse. So now he needs to produce a daily dose of anti-Russian propaganda! What a sore loser! 😎

    5. As a romanian, I think EU/NATO should take over peace-keeping operations in Transnistria until they sort things out with Moldova. Romania going in there would probably make Soloviev and Simonyan explode and have a heart attack. Not that I care about their health…

    6. i saw this coming. my late father's last care giver was moldovan, so i schooled up on this. i've long thought moldova should be part of romania, especially after russia invaded ukraine. best option.

    7. As a Moldavian, I found most of the video very accurate, though, it is a huge overstating and misinformation that 1/5 of the female population left for the sex-trade. There are indeed thousands of girls that did that, but not 1/5 of the population. Nevertheless, it is true that 1/5 of the population or even more has just left in general the country to live elsewhere.

    8. Transnistria is the equivalent of the Donbas for Romania. I expect the place is starting to look like the Alamo for Russians. (Camerone or Dien bin Phu for the rest of Europe)

    9. We already know if Russia were to win in Ukraine, Moldova would fall fast. Moldova is probably the first recipient of the benefits of Ukraine holding Russia back.
      Ukraine is doing the job of NATO by containing Russia. They deserve our support by doing more now than most NATO countries have ever done since there was a NATO. And after the war, if the Russian military breaks like it's been doing, there may be no more need for NATO.
      This is especially true if we tie any potential aid to Russia with demands that they give up their nukes.

    10. Why would Romania get involved? Romania has practically no armed forces capable of any real military action. Member of NATO isn’t worth cause every other European country also doesn’t have any significant military capabilities besides Turkey that is a NATO member but it will not get involved in a war that has nothing to do with Turkey treaty or no treaty .

    11. The difference between the Romanian language and Moldavian language is exactly the same as the difference between north and south USA!
      Now…you be the judge if that is a different language!😂

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