1. Cannot stand cyclist on road – only a minority follows rules. Also they dont have any insurance so any damage to someone's pride and joy (car) is not addressed- dont care about cyclist

    2. What a prat – obviously got a death wish cycling like that – yes you're probably in the right 90% of the time- but you'll still end up just as hurt as if you were in the wrong cycling that aggressively

    3. You’re an idiot. Only one or two of those clips were genuine mistakes by pedestrians or vehicles. YOU are the problem. Impatient, aggressive and without thought for others.

    4. I do think
      That cyclists should be charged a tax. They say they are saving the planet, but okay, that they have 50 cars in 2nd gear behind them polluting the earth. And by law give them 1.5 metres space but they are okay to weave next to my car at a traffic light and cut onto the path?

    5. As an everyday cyclist in London I fully agree with all these being immensely frustrating, but for your own safety you owe it to yourself to expect and work around a lot of these people doing stupid things!

    6. I am a 60 year old cyclist. Still ride today. I loved watching those IDIOTS on bikes, I only wished you showed MORE of them crashing. Those selfish Muppets give me and other sensible cyclists a bad reputation.

    7. Try slowing down when filtering or passing stationary traffic, give cyclist and pedestrians more time to react.
      Oh hold on cyclists THINK they are special and everyone had to accomodate what THEY want. They are NOT, they are mostly just self entitled twats!

    8. You know you have to stop at the crossing to give way to pedestrians, right? Self entitled idiots like these give all of us a bad name. I ride a bike and sometimes it's tempting to push them into the ditch.

    9. Get rid of them always moaning when someone makes a mistake but I've seen hundreds of them go through red lights or suddenly mount the pavement they never show those videos twats

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