1. Please make a video about you and your girlfriend🌹I'm interested in how you met each other and dating culture in Estonia and so on:) Love your videos!

    2. There's plastic around these big rolls on the field because they don't contain hay or straw, but silage. Which is like pickled grass. It has to be hermetically packaged in plastic to prevent access to oxygen, or it will ferment and spoil.

    3. Dude next time before long trip with bike buy cycling shorts with pads for butt protection =DDD

    4. Last time i drove that road ( around 3:00 minutes in the video ), i got a flat aswell…then i realized that i couldve avoided it by simply using the main road…is a bit longer route to get to where this roads end up at…but i still think it wouldve been alot more faster 🙂 ! Cool video tho!

    5. Hi, at 06:54 in your video you asked about "why the hay balls are wrapped in plastic" not sure if you have gotten then answer already but basically it's "Sauerkraut for cows" :). fresh(not dry) hay wrapped up.

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