In this video I am sharing how I finally got started with biking in Denmark and a few rules you need to know. It took me almost 3 years but I finally faced my fear and did it.
    They say Copenhagen has more bikes than people and five times as many bicycles as cars. So you must experience this fantastic feeling.

    I will share more about my life in Denmark in the future videos. So don’t forget to subscribe to my channel!

    Music from – YouTuber Library
    Shot the video on my iPhone 11 Pro Max
    Edited on inShot!!!

    Thank you for your love and support… I will see you next Friday…

    0:00 – Intro
    0:23 – My story
    3:33 – Few rules



    1. I am a dane from the contry side, When I lived (studied) in Copenhagen, I biked only once, crashing head first in the tarmac. Then I got my self a buscard.

    2. WOW Kritti ☺️ ! Wouldn't it be nice if all Danish bicyclers would follow the rules. Show if your gonna stop. Show if your going right (left usually doesn't apply ). Bus stops: If pedestrians need to step out of the bus, directly on to a bicycle lane, bicycles have to stop. If there's a "Helle" (a certain passenger sidewalk, that people can step out to and is not part of the bicycle lane), then passengers from the bus. need to wait, until bicycles have passed.

    3. With more than 60 years of cycling in CPH, (and 80 countries, incl. India) I strongly recommand that You use your eyes, and turn your head, dont just trust the green light, always look out, and also look back in between.
      Give sign in good time, stop, right, left, always tray to tell others your direction/intension,
      you can point with a finger, in many situations and passings to avoid any confusion.
      Eye-contact is very importend.

      It is new, that not only the cars blinding people, (last two decades) the last few years the cyclists is becoming part of the fully granted plauge, blinding any one, directly in our faces and eyes, without thinking, this is techno-pathy, a cultural back-step.
      Autorities have been sleeping, left their responsibility, 'who knows why'?.

      Even that Cycle-Holland in general, nation-wide is more developed than Denmark, CPH is still the best Cycle-Capitol, 120 years a go CPH was also known as the Cycle-Capitol of Europe.

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