The Three Taifas route is one of the most exciting cycling routes you can find in Spain. 300 intense kilometres of countryside, history, art and adventure across old, wild lands that once formed part of three Moorish kingdoms or Taifas, crossing the Spanish province of Zaragoza, Teruel and Guadalajara. A physically demanding route (much of the layout runs through mountains), but fascinating at the same time and with milestones that include four important medieval walled towns: Calatayud, Daroca, Molina de Aragón and Albarracín, set against a backdrop of the wild unspoilt landscapes that make up the Alto Tajo Nature Park. Th Three Taifas is one of the routes of Camino del Cid (Way of El Cid), a legendary Spanish Middle Ages warrior.

    More info about Camino del Cid:

    More info about the Three Taifas route:—mtb-553618/

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