Germany’s infrastructure is certainly a marvel. One aspect of their transportation infrastructure are the many bike paths connecting the entire country. Do you envy the Germans? Comment down below. If you’re a native of Germany, do you take the bike paths for a given?

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    1. The German infrastructure ( including the bike paths ) is good but not given )
      But the Dutch infrastructure is the by far best I have ever seen, especially the bike paths, Motorways are lit very often and will be lit very soon, The roads are paved fantastically, some of them are even heated in winter, The bike paths are often as wide as road lanes – inside and outside a city, And they are maintained everywhere. Germany is good for bikers but, The Netherlands is the biker paradise

    2. You're so right sir – in North America there are wood-houses with sidings. Wished I had a house of that quality that you just showed there in Germany. And everybody seems to have solar panels. Wow. Last time I was there in person about a decade ago, I did not see all these solar panels. Sorry, I care less about bike lanes because bikes are a danger to children crossing the roads.

    3. Hi, as you seen to like cycling, I would like to recommend that you check out your local ADFC site In most towns the tours are free (some chapters take 1-2 Euros from non-members). ADFC tours are a great way to explore a region by bike, because the guides are usually very experienced cyclists. Just give it a try.

    4. Tolles Video und tolle Eindrücke in unsere Infrastruktur und unsere Landschaften. Natürlich ist es nicht immer so schön. Aber die Umgebung von Ulm ist wunderschön. Unsere Häuser werden für die Ewigkeit gebaut. Sie würden auch amerikanische Tornados überstehen. Die Bilder von den Zerstörungèn in den USA sind oftmals erschreckend. Danke für dieses schöne und objektive Video.

    5. Die Siedlungsstruktur in Ulm und Umgebung ist nicht repräsentativ für ganz Deutschland, im Norden dominiert meist die Streusiedlung um Dörfer herum. Und auch die Fahrradwege gibt es zwar in ganz Deutschland, aber in ärmeren Bundesländern seltener und oft wesentlich schmaler, auch wenn die neuen Bauvorschriften eine Breite von 2.5m vorschreiben. Hier in Niedersachsen müssen wir für jeden neuen Fahrradweg kämpfen. Die Wartezeit auf der Liste der von den Gemeinden und Städten angemeldeten Fahrradweg ist über 30 Jahre. Örtlich hier ist jetzt über eine Bürgerinitiative, die viel Planungs- und sonstige Vorarbeit geleistet hat, der Bau eines Fahrradweges in der Liste nach oben gerutscht. So wird er schon dieses Jahr gebaut und die Initiative hat dafür nur ca. 5 oder 6 Jahre Engagement gebraucht. Der nach Liste gebaute Weg hat einen Vorlauf von 30 Jahren. Es wird nicht genug Geld vom Land für den Bau zur Verfügung gestellt und and Landstraßen darf auch nur das Land bauen. D.h. , wenn die Gemeinde oder Stadt an Landstraßen baut, muss sie das allein finanzieren zusätzlich zu dem möglichen Bau an städtischen Straßen.

    6. Do we take bike paths for given? Perhaps we do now. A broad demand for it developped in the last 30 or 40 years, I would say. And we are still far behind the Netherlands or Denmark for that matter. After all, German car drivers have got used to cyclists in the traffic and pay attention. At least more or less…

    7. You can reconice the tourist as they ride there bike in the Netherlands. They wear a helmet.
      They still believe that it's saver. 🤣🤣🤣

    8. You can also take your bike along when traveling by train – ask for a Fahrradabteil when booking so that you get enough space and pay the (relatively small) extra fee for your bike.
      Or rent a bike at your destination 😉

    9. So, I'm from northern Germany (lived in SH,MV,NDS,HB). Most of the ways you showed seem to be paved agricultural service ways that my "only" be part of a cycling route (or cycling network) "because" they have less motor traffic.
      Please don't confuse them with actual cycleways/cylcetracks that where purpose build for cyclists and pedestrians (shared or seperated).

    10. I live in one of the most bike friendly parts of the US. It's still no where near as good as Germany. Germany may not be as good as the Netherlands, but they're closer to the Dutch than to the Americans.

    11. Noooo, I have been on many of those German bike paths / agricultural roads. They are horrible because they never go where I want to go. So I end up on those regular roads, and as you pointed out, they are narrow , and those great German drivers pass me no matter what, however possible. Here in Las Vegas, we have wide roads everywhere, and a lot specifically designated for bike routes, very efficient, I can get everywhere. And we have dedicated bike roads, too. Biking in USA is far better than in Germany.

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