1. Hi,
      It is nice to see how 'green' Denmark is but what do they do when its winter? I heard their taxes are crazy, like buying a car you get taxes of about 200% so a 20k car becomes 60k. Because of this (one of the reasons) people buy bikes or rent them but what do they do when it's winter?

    2. @acooca123 I live in Copenhagen. It's true the cars are very expensive here, but in the capital it's also much easier to find a (free) parking spot for your bike, than for your car (which also is pricy).
      I bike all year round, also in winter (as outlandish as it may seem to you) 😉

    3. @acooca123 Hi acooca,
      a Taxi in copenhagen cost about 150 DKK for 15 minuttes, just about 29 USD.

      Like in london we have a big public transportation network as busses metro's and trains. And its free of charge to have your bike transportated in the trains.

    4. @acooca123 Almost everyone has a car here in Denmark, but people who live in big cities like to use their bikes in stead of cars, because its easier to get through traffic and find parking spots. Then they use their cars in he winter 🙂

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