Spanish Climate Minister Teresa Ribera was escorted by private limos as she rode on a bike to her own EU climate conference – which means she didn’t save a “gram” of carbon dioxide, according to Sky News host Chris Kenny.

    “It just illustrates how superficial these people are,” Mr Kenny said.

    “It’s all about stunts and virtue signalling.”


    1. As a spanish I 100% reject the actions of this minister. This bunch of retarded climate clowns dont represent the majority of us and we will show it on July 23.

    2. Shame on her and her hypocrisy! I wish that the world population of sheepish people could see this and call it out for what it is. Good on you SN for reporting on this disgusting behaviour.

    3. The parallel this pedal stunt has with renewable energy is uncanny.

      Wind and solar are the bicycle, the limo in the background is the coal power station.

      Look at me, I'm on a bike! Oh no, there's a hill ahead, I better jump into the car and put the bike in the trunk!

    4. For your information, the news is false. Defamation by the political parties PP and Vox (their opposition). Madrid – Valladolid is just a two hour and a half travel by car. She travelled on a hibrid car. What amazes me is how Sky News will not even double check or do some research to make sure if the news is true or not.

    5. Ahhh yes.
      The Marxist message of a privledged beaurocratic dumbass riding a bicycle while her security drives gas guzzling SUV's and are armed to the teeth with the guns people like her so hate.

    6. That just shows us how hypocritical these people are. She flies there on a private plane, takes a limo to the conference, but hops out once she's close enough and rides a bike to pretend like she's being eco-friendly. Best part is the eco-terrorists eat it up like the chumps that they are.

    7. As I understand it, the escorts had to convince her not to take the Bike to a nearby pump. I ask them if she had Diesel or Gasoline 95.🤡🤡🤡🤡

    8. This woman traveled in a private plane, rode everywhere in a limousine and only got off about 100 meters before arriving to the conference to ride the bike.

    9. THe hypocrisy of governments, corporations and the rest of the globe trotting activists who use commercial and private jets should just stop talking. They are lying they are insincere. Why aren’t they using their influence and money to plant trees across the world including replanting those areas that corporation have deforested.

    10. Even if they accepted that it’s an stunt but they did arrived with jet and limo I’d have at least respected them for their truth. But hypocrisy and lie is the culture of west. Fake it till you make it!

    11. People should realise this was made on purpose to cause vain discussions and previsible opinions, perhaps the real deal here is understanding the global warming joke and the hoax that European cows polute alot while Europe buyes meat from South America.

      "Question the world" – Monkey D.Dragon

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