This is day 2! Join me on my bikepacking trip around Lake Constance aka Bodensee. This route was 260 km long and I split it into two days. In this video, I will take you on 120 km through 3 countries: Switzerland, Austria and Germany! Hopefully, this video will give you an idea of what’s expecting you if you want to do this trip as well.

    Find the original route here:
    I adjusted mine by changing the starting and end points. Super easy with Komoot!

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    Videos coming up soon 👇🏻

    🤩 Valencia by Bike
    🤩 Exploring Valencia – Cullera Lighthouse and Albufera Natural Park
    🤩 Berlin by Bike

    #bikepacking #lakeconstance #bodensee


    1. Practice makes climbs easier and easier within time. I'm not a good climber myself but I figured I change my approach to climbing the more I practice it. So sometimes I purposely choose cycling on hilly routes. There are some beautiful views there around Bodensee. Love your video. My cycling videos aren't as nice as yours but if you have a spare minute feel free to pay me a visit. Cheers.

    2. Lovely lovely Aline your videos are wonderful and you radiate good energy and positivity
      that looks like a very beautiful place to ride a bike and be in nature

    3. Well done! What an absolutely wonderful place to ride. I will at some point be coming back to the Bodensee and will hopefully do this ride. I think I would like to break it up into maybe three days so I can spend a bit of time in some of the smaller towns.

    4. Sehr schönes Video… habe mit meinem Kommentar bis zum zweiten Teil gewartet, der erste gefiel mir auch sehr gut! Ich finde übrigens, dass Deine „Untermalungsmusik“ super gut passt und ich daher Deinen Videoaufnahmen von der Umgebung sehr entspannt folgen kann!!! Wie viele Höhenmeter bist Du insgesamt gefahren?

    5. Öfter mal in den Harz oder nach Naumburg (Saale), um sich an die Anstiege heranzutasten, das sind von Berlin aus die nächsten Optionen 😉

    6. Thanks to Mr Hutchings I found out about your YouTube videos. They’re great to watch and I appreciate your honesty when you’re tired or don’t like hills. I also envy the bike routes you have in Europe, here in New Jersey you take your life in your hands when you head out, which you inspired me to do today after a long day at work. Thank you again!

    7. What a great video! I am thinking of driving from the UK to cycle on this route in the summer, and your video has made me really excited about the prospect. It all looks so lovely!

    8. Nice trip I ve been in konstanz but never try cycling around bodense. Did you set camping for 2 days trip? I like meersberg also. Wait for your next video keep cycling 💪🏻

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