1. Let's be honest here. These guys who saw combat in the middle east often come back broken and unable to fully function in society. They feel normal life is meaningless and almost comically peaceful and can't reconcile that with what they experienced for the weeks/months their lives were on the line. A lot of veterans will say things like "I don't want to go back but nothing else feels like it makes sense." The only way they can ever get close to that adrenaline is seeing combat again.

      I have no doubt that he's partly doing it because he believes it's the right thing to do, but I think the main reason is that he wants to be there and is seeking combat again because as fucked up as it is when he's on the battlefield, nothing else makes him feel much of anything in comparison.

    2. Thanks man for all the support and training you give to this brothers in arms and i wish i can be there for help……….Putin will never fuckin win. Even his wife cheats on him

    3. The main problem of these EX-MARINES is not that they are not capable to fight but THEY HAVE TO BE GUIDED through the battlefield and for this task you need TRAINED OFFICERS, SQUAD LIDERS WITH BRAIN, THE PEOPLE WHO CAN THINK AND HAVE MAP OF THE BATTLEFIELD IN THE HEAD!!!! This marine is lost in the battle because he is not capable to command the people!!! In US Army he was soldier and now suddenly he is leading other soldiers!!!??

    4. Ful military support to Ukraine ❤️🇺🇦 Promised landleases armada or army of drones,assault rifle m16, long range missiles ATACMS and air defence Patriots,air craft F and battle helicopters like Apachi
      Full economic isolation to russia for demilitarization Collapse and cancel to russian agression Against Humanity

    5. Ful military support to Ukraine ❤️🇺🇦 Promised landleases armada or army of drones,assault rifle m16, long range missiles ATACMS and air defence Patriots,air craft F and battle helicopters like Apachi
      Full economic isolation to russia for demilitarization Collapse and cancel to russian agression Against Humanity

    6. Ful military support to Ukraine ❤️🇺🇦 Promised landleases armada or army of drones,assault rifle m16, long range missiles ATACMS and air defence Patriots,air craft F and battle helicopters like Apachi
      Full economic isolation to russia for demilitarization Collapse and cancel to russian agression Against Humanity

    7. late to the vid , but why ask what they are doing ? Isn’t this kind of giving out tactics and maneuvers? I’m not pro either side I just want this war to end it’s for nothing like most wars

    8. God bless him and any fighting to defend Ukraine from this sick twisted bully and those who choose to fight for him as well as those unfortunately enough to be forced or threatened to fight for him…. this is madness

    9. Only a fool goes chasing after war. Young men killing each other for bitter old men. This man is a fool and should go home to his son before he is killed.

    10. The Biden administration is worse than Nazi Germany and Joseph Goebbels would be very proud of the job you are doing at CNN and Joseph Mangels would say Tony Fauci I got nothing on you, the biggest threat to national security is the United States government! Russian and China are not the evil ones!

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