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    1. 😂😂😂😂 people who believe this BS are just dumb This war is a game of Russia that is destroying the NATO especially the European countries. They are spending billions of dollars. Versus Russia spending nothing native is drowning, without knowing what’s going on

    2. The Ukrainehas changed hands so many times during it's history, it's pitful. One should be reminded that the Ukraine ws the bread basket of the USSR, and until the late 1990's was a soviet satelitte state with some of the best equipment at the time stationed in or around the Ukriane to include the Russian Black Sea Fleet.
      If you're bent on restoring Russian hegemony in Europe, you'd take the Ukriane too. That's the reason why Putin wanted Crimea back; Control of the Black Sea. and a the only other sea port that Russia has that won't be blockaded by ice during the winter.
      Bulgaria, Romania, Former Yugoslavia, Czhechslovakia, The Ukriane, and Moldova were all Soviet or WARSAW Pact countries before their Governments were outsed by the populace (like Poland). It's not hard to see why putin invaded the Ukraine.

    3. Putin said he was freeing his people that was being abused and mu**erd by Ukrainian people because of their religious beliefs. He's not trying to destroy Ukraine. Like u said there's nothing there other than a corrupt oil industry.

    4. That's not true. That would not have gotten as far as they did if the United States has continued to give them billions of unchecked dollars and NATO.

    5. Ukraine is winning, Russian Federation is on the brink of breaking up, extreme patience is required now. Mark Milley, United States Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said it will take Ukraine years before it can retake Donbas an Cremea.

    6. No country in war has never got so much money ass Ukraine never ever no one has got this much money in 1 year ore one day that Ukraine have got

    7. As much as it is a field for Russia, so it is for Ukraine, realistically saying that it is easy for Russia to take them over, because it is a field, is complete nonsense, with the support of NATO it is like Russia fighting against Russia, in a boxing ring, the rules for one apply to the other.

    8. Literalmente si la OTAN no hubiera suministrado apoya a Ucrania Rusia se hubiera comido el pais en 4 dias, y tu lo pones como si se hubieran defendido por meritos propios, y luego no me estas dando los motivos por lo q rusia los invadio solo dices que no tienen una buena geografia y que aun asi pudieron defenderse, totalmente imparcial este canal como se nota que es proucraniano podrias disimularlo un poco por lo menos

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