1. @simplesi13 iv done the north sea from dehaag to texel island took my time some parts are boring! once i got to Campeerduin and onto DEnhelder WOW!! the 2 promenades on zee are nice to bike on!!

    2. @simplesi13 Many, really many routes have information from the ANWB, which tell you the distance you cycled: if you want it more accurate, you can buy a map from the ANWB with only bike-routes and distances in it 😉

    3. Be advised from April 2019 to April 2022 the Afsluitdijk will be closed for cyclists due to a major maintenance and reconstruction project.

    4. OH THANK YOU !
      Never been there nor in Friesland either. Seeing Your video (nice document!) does give the feeling of space and air.
      Friesland I know from pictures.
      It has a lot of very old churches dating back to 800 -1100 A.D.
      Beautiful forests and lakes.
      And the frisian languages is
      related to Old-Dutch (and Old-English as well) Still spoken
      widely in Friesland…..

    5. No mention of the wind, Simon must have had an unusual quiet day. I cycled the Afsluitdijk once, east to west, in a south-western headwind. Quite tough, almost sport, not your regular A to B.

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