This is a compilation of near misses and general cycling commute to work in London.

    Music Track is ‘Elephant’ by Coretheband available on ITunes & Spotify

    Courtesy of Coretheband #coretheband

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    #London #cycling #accident #crash #nearmisses


    1. 2:50 is in the other lane, of oncoming traffic and gets mad at the driver.
      4:00 bus is preparing to pull into a bus stop, and he gets mad.. This man needs some chill pills.
      6:02 he is in oncoming traffic AGAIN.. This man, doesnt know how to cycle I swear.

    2. Has anyone ever told these biker's that when using the road the same rules as vehicles apply to them to when on the road the high way code and watch out for people crossing not running red lights it all applys to you when on the road

    3. The ignorance of traffic rules and the associated recklessness and indifference towards other road users is deeply anti-social and reflects well the state of many of today's societies.

    4. My main comment about this cyclist, he is not covering his brakes.
      He has to waste precious seconds moving his fingers each time he needs to brake.

    5. I live in newcastle in Australia and I had 50,000 close calls when riding my bike as cars. And truck and motorcycle and police vehicles don't give way I have been hit 395 times in 22 yrs I hold the record in the most vehicles hitting a push-bike rider and the police did a hit and run on me and did $11,800 damage to my velomobly and there will not pay for there damage to my bike

    6. So many car drivers not giving a shit about cycle lanes. Strange how no one gets prosecuted for endangering someones life? I do find it funny how you've got an intro, for an outro. I suppose crashland is quite fitting.

    7. Cycling anywhere in UK is dangerous. Be the tight roads, the unlit rural country lanes, the sharp turns and blind corner spots which are everywhere, the gormless dumb drivers that get too close or cant judge distance. This is coming from someone that's been cycling all my life, daily for years. Been hit twice and had a billion close calls.

    8. I thought I was going to feel sympathic for you but then saw how wrecklessly your cycling yourself. If you want to cycle like that go do some downhill runs or something. You well tailgating other cyclists and could of caused them harm aswell. And maybe that cop car had an emergency to attend to so it pulled out, I think some times you got to put your ego aside for the safety of others.

    9. Half the near misses were caused by the cyclist behaving like he owns the road or not being aware. The van for example converging left was clearly signaling left, it was a bear miss because the cyclist pushed forward. The police car reached the crossing first. The bus can and will stop anytime, stop tailgating it.

    10. See the selfish pigs on bicycles not stop at red lights threatening pedestrians.
      This cyclist also believes in keeping death off the roads by riding on pavements.

    11. 2:26 probably wasn't the most sensible place to overtake the cyclist, the van was already beginning it's turn before you were near the unction, I'd have held back behind the other cyclist and waited for the van to clear. But we all make mistakes, I nearly got hit by a car today because I was going a bit fast and forgot that some of the buildings have tunnels cars can emerge from where visibility is poor for both of us- you live and you learn, or you die I guess!

    12. 2:30 A prime example of why cyclists are so despised, rather than holding back and waiting like the other cyclist or going round the other side of the van, he chooses to carry on cycling in a straight line as the van is turning. Selfish doesn’t even begin to describe some of them.

    13. This looks pretty normal to me (except for the collision), but I'm from Sydney which is even worse for cyclists. At least most of your unprotected bike lanes are not in the door zone and you have cyclist boxes everywhere, this is a luxury!

    14. top 2 car makes that require attention due to anti-cyclist driving. – berks in mercs and audi (Are_sole Usually Discovered Inside)

      I find BMW drivers are much less impatient thesedays X3 & X5 exepted.

      elderly drivers in small cars can also be a hazard but due to lack of ability / eyesight rather than being cycle-haters. I use my Ashley Neal training when cycling or driving to not get triggered by inappropriate cycling/driving and back off to give more time to avoid what's unfolding ahead or to either side.

    15. I don’t go into London but most of that would not encourage me to cycle in London. So a question was that a zebra crossing in the cycle lane? This is not a criticism just curious.

    16. Haha!! Great video!! I understand commuting can be frustrating for all modes of transport! We all make mistakes (Including me) I doubt the majority of people are out to harm you? Lets try to accept we are not perfect and rage gets us nowhere!

    17. Pause for a moment and consider the physics of these interactions.
      Bike v’s car/ van/ bus: unprotected rider (aside from a helmet) plus 12 Kg vehicle versus 1-2-3+ tons of metal.

    18. Basic cycling skills would have avoided most of those. Seems cyclists don't like slowing down or stopping.
      BTW pedestrians have the right of way. Basic observation skills, seems lacking
      Maybe need a cycling proficiency test

    19. Here in Germany you could face a fine on the spot for turning left with disregard to cyclists using the cycle paths, the same would be the for pedestrians crossing over pedestrian lights when they are on red, and it's the same for cyclists who don't respect the traffic lights when on red. The more everyone hates each other, the worse it will get.

    20. This is a concise public bank of evidence for your own prosecution.

      2:15 why did you jump the red light (failure to comply with traffic light signals)? Seconds later, why did you closely overtake another cyclist (careless cycling)?

      3:06 why didn't you slow down instead of forcing your way through and endangering the pedestrians (careless cycling)?

      3:37 closely overtaking between two cyclists (careless cycling).

      4:14 this feels like endless painful viewing (careless cycling).

      5:01 you bombed through even though traffic in the other lane has priority (careless cycling – without reasonable consideration for others).

      5:12 failure to comply with traffic light signals.

      5:38 careless cycling – your movements were quick and unpredictable for the pedestrian and so it's unreasonable to barge past.

      6:03 I actually think this is dangerous cycling. It fell far below the standard of a competent and careful cyclist and is obviously dangerous.

    21. To be fair, skipping red lights is sometimes safer than waiting as some car drivers have a mentality of “this cyclist is slowing me down” so passive aggressively near miss the cyclist. I would never skip a red light at a cross road but some red lights are completely safe to skip and sometimes safer than waiting in front of a 2 ton death machine.

    22. Ive been recommended a few of these videos now and they remind me why I never ever use the cycle lane. So many accidents would be prevented if these "cycle lanes" simply didnt exist. Cycle infrastructure needs to be done properly or not at all, no more of this blue paint nonsense

    23. Was good you posted all the wrong things that you did, nearly causing accidents and not just the one's hat happen to you. Be a considerate cyclist 🚲👍

    24. Tbh i find cars fairly easy to deal with, you can predict their movements. It's the pedestrians walking all over the roads that are a nightmare

    25. The sound of the bell seems to be much more effective than electronic or siren type audible warnings. Perhaps it’s because pedestrians understand it instinctively.

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