Some photos of my bike trip across Botosani County which I did alone on my amazing Moulton touring bike. Went through Dorohoi, Saveni, Stefanesti and plenty of little villages. This slideshow goes with an article I wrote on the issue which can be seen at

    I can highly recommend cycling in Romania and I would love to hear from you.

    Send me your feedback.


    1. @skinutsu Man is tru in pics is just poor buildings and poor peolple but is the other side which is totally incomparable to what you saw I assure you: looking for cars in Romania and the former only give "Romania expensive cars" that make your idea how this country is corrupt .. is so bad to be lead by people who pull and only for them and so the most serious way … that is just stealing PS: I did comment on that because we know everyone outside like poor,robbers maybe because finnaly we are

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