Shopping by bike is very common in the Netherlands. With a population that is used to cycling. Sit-up bikes that can carry goods and shops with good bike parking opportunities (or shopping areas with even better bike parking possibilities) it is no wonder that people go shopping by bike!
    More info see blog post:

    Music Feelin’ Good, by Kevin MacLeod – Creative commons by attribution 3.0


    1. The weather must be nice. The shoppers must not live too far away –less than a mile?
      This is 2012. 2012 was alright here in the US.

    2. I learned to ride a bike late, so my driving skills aren't perfect yet, but I think I'll be able to watch the Dutch ride a bike and learn various techniques for using a bike!

      And the bag mounted on the rear rack looks very practical and unique. I'll have to buy one and install it.

    3. As a dutch person I’ve carried sooo many different things on my bike. My mom moved from one apartment to another apartment once, and she moved a lot of the stuff on her bike!! The big furniture, she carried it into the subway😂😂. She had no money back then

    4. All I can think of are the Karens in the US going to a Home Depot to grab 1 or 2 flowers in their 2012 Kia Sorento. Oh, and some Karens live a couple of blocks from the store, but opted out for the car because it's more "convenient" (plus safer given that the infrastructure is upside down and cars rule the roads). Poor Karens, I feel for them :/

    5. The thing that most amazes me about this video: there wasn`t even a single cargo-bike. Just your normal everyday dutchbikes/citybikes ore however you call them.

    6. Notice how pedestrians and bike riders co-exist in harmony.
      Also to shop by bike means shopping every day and not once a week like in North America.

    7. Bueno es viejo el vídeo pero pienso que su cultura no cambia. Que agradable vivir en una sociedad así🙂 en dónde prima el respeto, el orden, la seguridad, en cambio en muchos países de latam solo hay desorden, inseguridad,etc.🤨. En general los nórdicos y anglosajones nos llevan ventaja evolutiva, aunque seguro vivieron etapas parecidas a las nuestras.

    8. This may have been much of Canadian cities and towns today if we realized how much better it is to develop for people not cars about 10-15 years ago. I guess it's up my generation to make this a reality in the next 10 years.

    9. i'm in the states. i ride an ebike. when i shop, i bring my backpack with me, and use that as my shopping cart in store.

    10. Obviously this shit wouldn't never work in North America. How can a person go to Costco and fit everything on a tiny bike? Unless they sell bike trailers big enough.

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