1. Doing my IBT next week, thanks for sharing the info. As ya say I think the IBT is a great idea to test out a good few bikes and see if biking is for you! cheers

    2. yo man been watching your channel for about a year….great stuff.
      just completed the IBT with Tony Moore….brilliant instructor…..this vid was a big help for me when I watched it a year ago. took the whole year to get money up for the IBT and the bike…its a bit pricie nowadays with the extra cost of the DTT, IBT but delighted to have it done for the summer coming in. should be on my own machine by the end of the month.
      anyway cheers for vids

    3. Im 29 years old looking to get a bike. Ive never even driven a car as my wife is the one who drives. I just want to have my own independant source of transport and have always wanted that to be on a bike and not in a car. Would love to go straight for an A license. My question is what type of bike would you recommend for a beginner? Would a Sport Bike be too hard for a beginner?

    4. Hello, if I pass my theory test and get a learner permit for an A1 license can I then take my bike out on the road or do I need to do the IBT first.. If I can't take my bike out before doing the IBT how do I bring my bike to the instructor. Thanks

    5. Hey Dude, love your confidence on that, did my IBT back in early March after 30 years off a bike (only casual rider back then), got myself a G310 GS and yeah I'm a nervous nelly, how the hell do you get that confidence, during the IBT I was doing laps and figure 8s within 2 hours on day 1 but just can't get rid of that apprehension when on the road, not that I've been out that much since lockdown, any advice?

    6. I wish I'd known 40 years ago how lucrative IBT is training… 😁. Its one big money racket. Not saying training isn't necessary but Jeez 700 quid for a couple of days!

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